== Introduction & Contact ==Well Hello Everyone,
Looking forward to joining in with all of you here at Seneca College in the Open Source Development programs for either the degree or diploma programs. The introductory talk from Chris and David was very inspiring and I'm very much looking forward to linking in with the world wide open source development community. I grew up in sort of a small, but popular town, and really feel I have a connection with a community much larger in scale than that place. The whole world community sounds good to me for now... at least until we as a race extend ourselves further. ''Andrew Grimo'''
I look forward to developingProfessor at School of Computer Studies, contributing and requesting help from all of you. Seneca College
Andrew GrimoOffice Room# 2095
[[Thunderbird_Multi-touch_Gesture_Support_for_OS_XPhone#Project_News]] RELEASE 0.1 416- Thunderbird Multi491-touch for Mac5050 ext.????
== Background ==My first IT experience was at an MP3 dotEmail: [mailto:andrew.com company where a series of lay-offs in the IT department led me to the position of Jrgrimo@senecac. System Admin. Everything that was needed to learn was done on the job without any previous background. With this job I used Red Hat Linux version 7ca andrew.1 for server administration, but also for my desktop computer at workgrimo@senecac. This was my second OS to learn second to the Mac, which I started using at v7.6 a number of years prior. Unfortunately after further layoffs, three quarters of a year later that job finished, my son was born in Kingston and I moved out of Toronto leaving my IT and music production worlds behindon. ca]
Currently sharpening my IT skills back in Toronto and looking forward to completing OSD600 and Seneca's CPA program to eventually land a job in the Toronto downtown coreIRC: andrewgrimo [irc://irc. I've become a fan of the counter-intuitive nature of open-source development and gain satisfaction from the idea of making money from developing something that will eventually be given away for freemozilla.org/%23Seneca #seneca]
== Current Project ==
For more official information about courses I am teaching, go to my Computer Studies Homepage: [[Thunderbird Multi-touch Gesture Support for OS X]https://cs.senecac.on.ca/~andrew.grimo/ cs/~andrew.grimo]
Bugzilla report for my project: [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=465257 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=465257]Background ==
== Contributions to Projects ==My first education was in music recording and production, including audio for video and film. I worked in a few studios, earned a gold record for an album where I was a production assistant. My specialization was in digital audio editing. Simple put, I made a musicians performance in the studio perfect by removing errors and altering/tightening their timing.
Done* Assisting My first IT experience was at an MP3 dot com company where a series of lay-offs in the IT department led me to the position of Jr. System Admin. Everything that was needed to learn was done on some test cases for Processingthe job without any previous background.js with [http://zenitWith this job I used Red Hat Linux version 7.senecac1 for server administration across the company, but also for my desktop computer at work.onThis was my second OS to learn second to the Mac, which I started using at Mac OSv7.ca/wiki/index.php/User:Asalga#Available_Contributions Asalga6 (prior to Apple's subset(MacOSX freebsd unix system) function]* Updated the [https://wiki.mozilla Years later after supporting small offices in a Windows environment I acquired my A+ certification.org/Education/Learning/XpcomComponents XPCom lab] to better reflect changes to dynamically created directories
To do* Fixing an old Firefox Mac [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=286304 Bug286304] to help [[User:Anna.sobiepanek | annasobAs a graduate of Seneca's]] [http://matrix.senecacComputer Programming and Analysis Co-op diploma, I am now teaching here and working a full-time job as a mainframe database administrator. Just like working at the MP3 dot com company, I learned everything needed while onthe job as a DBA.ca/~asobiepa/Processing/noCursor.html noCursor function] in processing.js
* Develop Your capacity to continuously learn as a [http://textpatternresult of this program will be your second most important asset.org/plugins Textpattern php plugin] The first that should be emphasized, is your capacity to serve a directory listing of files communicate and work with others, particularly during your co-op placements as links these can be incredible opportunities for a Charitable group employers to get to know you. Your soft skills will catch the attention of potential employers at co-op placements, and then your technical capacity can shine through. Good luck toward you all with your initial jobs in Kingstonthis industry and your continuing success.
== Blog ==
== Labs Blog (not currently updated) ==There are a number of things that I did do, but didn't post a blog on or keep track of as I was still trying to figure out how things got submitted (it didn't mean it wasn't mentioned, maybe even multiple times).
Week 1 - New York Times article review and [http://andrewgrimo.wordpress.com/2009/09/10/hello-world/ my first blog]. Week 2 - Status call, [http://andrewgrimo.wordpress.com/2009/09/16/phone-conferences-as-a-valuable-communication-method/ blog review on Open Source Communication]. Week 3 - Building Firefox on my Mac, [http://andrewgrimo.wordpress.com/2009/09/22/mozilla-build-on-mac-osx-10-5/ a blog]. Week 5 - [http://andrewgrimo.wordpress.com/2009/10/13category/open-source-living-a-bugs-life/ Blog on Bugs], tracking a bug, tracking a user, the bug concept and lingo. Week 7 - [http://andrewgrimo.wordpress.com/2009/11/16/back-to-the-javascript-part-2/ Blog on Javascript and Doug Crawford]... I bought the book... and it's great! Week 8 - Modifying tabbing in Firefox, [http://andrewgrimo.wordpress.com/2009/11/05/reversing-added-tabs-on-firefox/ My Blog of my adventure] and [http://matrix.senecac.on.ca/~agrimo/osd/reverseTabFF3.7.patch The link to the patch]. Break Week - [http://andrewgrimo.wordpress.com/2009/11/02/fsoss-community-and-networking-with-others/ FSOSS Blog] ... a look at community. Week 9 - Modifying tabbing in Firefox via Extensions!, [http://andrewgrimo.wordpress.com/2009/11/15/reversing-firefox-tabs-as-an-extension/ My hybrid Text/Video Blog] and [http://matrix.senecac.on.ca/~agrimo/osd/AddTabLeft.xpi The link to the Extension itself]. It works best in Firefox 3.5.5. week 10 - [http://andrewgrimo.wordpress.com/2009/12/07/mozilla-xpcom-learning-lab/ XPCom Lab blog] for working with interfaces and xpcom components in Mozilla via a build oriented extension. == Contact ==Main Email: [mailto:agrimo@learn.senecac.on.ca agrimo@learn.senecac.on.ca] Alternate Email: [mailto:grimo@mac.com grimo@mac.com] IRC: andrewgrimo [irc://irc.mozilla.org/%23Seneca #seneca]