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Teams Winter 2011/team1/Android/Edit Contact

34 bytes removed, 11:15, 7 April 2011
8. Edit Contact
=== 8. Edit Contact ===
'''====8.1 Create Edit Layout '''<br/>
8.1.1 Add the String value for the layout title to String.xml:<br/>
<source lang="java">
'''====8.2 Create EditContactActivity '''<br/>
Create the EditContactActivity in your package and make sure it extends Activity class.
<source lang="java">
'''====8.3 Add the EditContactActivity to the Android Manifest'''<br/>
'''====8.4 Implement The EditContact in the main activity class'''<br/>
'''====8.5 Edit Contact In action '''<br/>
[[Image: editMenuOption.png | 450px]]<br/>
[[Image: editView.png | 450px]]<br/>
[[Image: editViewEdited.png | 450px]]<br/>
[[Image: editViewSaved.png | 450px]]<br/>

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