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Teams Winter 2011/team1/Android/Edit Contact

15 bytes removed, 11:08, 7 April 2011
8. Edit Contact
=== 8. Edit Contact ===
'''8.1 Create Edit Layout '''<br/> 8.1.1 Add the String value for the layout title to String.xml:<br/> <source lang="java"> <string name="editContact_textView">Edit Contact</string> </source> 8.1.2 Right click on layout -> New -> Android XML File .<br/> 8.1.3 Enter edit.xml for the file name and check Layout:<br/> 8.1.4 Using Linear Layout, create this layout for editing contact information:<br/> [[Image: editContactLayout.png | 250px]]<br/> 8.1.5 Here is the edit.xml implementation: <source lang="java"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"
android:text="@string/saveButton" android:gravity="center_horizontal"
android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" android:textSize="20dp"></Button>
</LinearLayout> </source>
'''8.2 Create EditContactActivity '''<br/>

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