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BTH740 Research Projects 20103

2,994 bytes added, 10:06, 15 February 2011
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{{BTH740 Index | 20103}}
=Presentation Schedule = BTH740 Research Project List for Fall of 2010 {| border="1" width="500px"|-|<b>Team Name</b>|<b>Date and Time</b>|-|-|Chinmay & Zad|Monday November 29 13:30PM|-| Andrew Braini|Monday November 29 13:45PM|-|Steven Weerdenburg|Monday November 29 14:00PM|-|Matthew Postill|Monday November 29 14:15PM|-|Ari Azar|Monday November 29 14:30PM|-||Monday November 29 14:45PM|-||Monday November 29 15:00PM|-|Jon Buckley & Shrinauth Lachhman|Thursday December 2 11:40AM|-
Make sure you have done the following before you add your name here|Nick Mirabella|Thursday December 2 11:55AM|-|Kenneth Pangilinan|Thursday December 2 12:10PM|-|ELTON and ARCHANA|Thursday December 2 12:25PM|-|Pradeep Waragoda|Thursday December 2 12:40PM|-|Saba Naqvi|Thursday December 2 12:55PM|-|Daniel|Thursday December 2 1:10PM|-|}<br />
<br />To add a page to this wiki for your research project (if you are a student in BTH740, Fall of 2010):* add an entry to the table below with the name of your project* You have a registered select the project name for IRC; server.* You have * if the page does not exist, a blog for GAM666/DPS901 either by filtering new page will be created - copy the contents of the [[BTH740 Sample Research Project Page|Sample Research Project Page]] into the textbox of your posts or a dedicated blog. (Optional)research project page** Please make sure if the page exists, the page should appear<br />Use the following format for your blog feed to Planet CDOT is filtered by a keyword or category so that only blog posts related to our work in GAM666table entry:<br /DPS901 are posted ><pre>|[[User:WUN | FN]]||LN||[[TPN |TN]]||[mailto:LID@learn.senecac.on .ca?subject=BTH740 LID]|-</pre><br />Replace the planetplaceholders with your own information:
Please add your information to the research project list by adding the following to the end of table code (if you are a student in BTH740, Fall of 2010).<br />
<big><pre>|[[User:WUN | FN]]||LN||[[TPN |TN]] ||
Replace the following with your own information when adding the row to the table: <br />
* WUN: Your Wiki User name
* FN: Your First Name
* TN: Your Research Project name
* LID: Your seneca email ID (learn id)
<br />Do not add your row unless you have all the required information described above. If your information is not added to the following line, your work and assignments will not be marked.<br />
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellpadding="5"
|+ BTH740 <big>List of Research Projects - Fall of 2010 student list</big>
! First Name !! Last Name !! Project Name !! Seneca Id
|[[User:Chris_S Chris s| Chris]]||Szalwinski||[[BTH740 Sample Research Project Page|Project Page Name]]||[ chris.szalwinski]|-|[[User:Sweerdenburg | Steven]]||Weerdenburg||[[Inter-device_Web_Accessibility|WCAG on the Standardized Web]]||[ sweerdenburg]|-|[[User:mlam19|Matthew]]||Lam||Wiki usability||[ mlam19]|-|[[User:Dhhodgin | Daniel]]||Hodgin||[[User:Dhhodgin/pjsaccessability|Processing.js increases accessibility of Processing on the web]]||[ dhhodgin]|-|[[User:Eshahbazian | Edwin]]||Shahbazian||Biometric Authentication Technologies||[ eshahbazian]|-|[[User:Patel | Chinmay]]||Patel||[[Augmented Reality|Augmented Reality]]||[ cdpatel1]|-|[[User:Evmarbella | Ezadkiel]]||Marbella||[[Augmented Reality|Augmented Reality]]||[ evmarbella]|-|[[User:Kpangilinan | Kenneth]]||Pangilinan||[[Fingerprint Identification vs Password Authentication]]||[ kpangilinan]|-|[[User:Egmetcalfe | Ehren]]||Metcalfe||[[Formal Methods in Human Computer Interaction]]||[ egmetcalfe]|-|[[User:Nmirabella | Nick]]||Mirabella||[[Cloud Computing]]||[ nmirabella]|-|[[User:acheun3 | Anders]]||Cheung||[[The Future of Interactivity in Console Gaming]]||[ acheun3]|-|[[User:dannylachhman | Danny Lachhman]]||Jon Buckley||[[Virtual Learning Environment vs. Physical Learning Environment]]||[ srlachhm]|-|[[User:Etest | Elton]]||Aguiar and Archana Sahota||[[Groupware |Groupware]]||[ ejaguiar]|-|[[User:Arbraini| Andrew]]||Braini||[[Touch Interface Gaming|Touch Interface Gaming]]||[ arbraini]|-|[[User:MattP| Matt]]||Postill||[[Improving Gaming Performance|Improving Gaming Performance]]||[ mapostil]|-|[[User:ptwaragoda | Pradeep]]||Waragoda||[[OpenID|OpenID]]||[ ptwaragoda]|-|[[User:snaqvi3 | Saba]]||Naqvi||[[Student Dependency on various Social/Networking Systems|Student Dependency on various Social/Networking Systems]]||[ snaqvi3]