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FedoraARM Secondary Architecture/Patch procedure

201 bytes added, 11:14, 12 July 2010
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# Make a SRPM: <code>make srpm</code>
# Link the SRPM on the [[:fedora:Architectures/ARM/Packages_needing_patching|wiki page]].
# Test the SRPM on ARM: <code>koji --server build --scratch dist-f13 *.src.rpm</code># Test the SRPM on the primary arches: <code>koji build --scratch dist-f13-updates *.src.rpm</code>
# If the tests are unsuccessful, fix the problem and re-test (step 3).
# If the devel and F-13 versions are different, change to the devel directory and repeat the patching process. Test again.
# Mark the test results on the [[:fedora:Architectures/ARM/Packages_needing_patching|wiki page]].
# Create a patchfrom the parent of the F-13 and devel directories: <code>cvs diff -uN >''packagename''-arm.patch</code># Create a bugzilla entry with the title: <code>"''packagename'': ARM arch support"</code>. Attach the patch.
# Enter the bugzilla number on the [[:fedora:Architectures/ARM/Packages_needing_patching|wiki page]].
# Watch the bug and record the resolution on the [[:fedora:Architectures/ARM/Packages_needing_patching|wiki page]] if closed by the maintainer, or have an arch maintainer apply the patch if the maintainer is unresponsive.