→Poster Topics
Separate posters will cover the entire [[Fedora_ARM_Secondary_Architecture | Arm Project]]
Poster Topcis yet to be decided. However topics can look like this:
* Koji setupCertificate Creation* Mock testing Fedora/ARM* SheevaPlug Configuration* Koji Build System for Fedora ARM* Koji Builder* DXR Project == Poster Design ==Poster design was voted on VMsand this one [http://mashhaque.blogspot.com/2010/04/class-voted-and-design-5-was-selected.html this one] was selected * Performace TestsFinal Poster are uploaded here in pptx format [http: iSCSI vs//hongkong.proximity.on. NFS vsca/muhaque/poster. Local USB diskppt here]
== Things to Consider ==