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Fedora Arm Secondary Architecture/Research Posters

268 bytes added, 09:47, 23 April 2010
Poster Topics
[[Category:Fedora ARM Secondary Architecture]][[Category:Winter 2010 SBR600]]== Research Poster Goal ==A common template for To standardize the SBR600 posters following the guidelines from [[Winter_2009_Poster_Guidelines|previous year]]and presentation slides.
== Current Guidelines ==
* [[Winter 2010 Poster Guidelines]]
* [[Winter 2010 Presentation Guidelines]]
== Poster/Presentation List ==
* [[Winter 2010 SBR600 Posters and Presentations]]
== Poster Topics ==
Separate posters will cover the entire [[Fedora_ARM_Secondary_Architecture | Arm Project]]
Poster Topcis yet to be decided: * Koji Certificate Creation* Fedora/ARM* SheevaPlug Configuration* Koji Build System for Fedora ARM* Koji Builder* DXR Project == Poster Design ==Poster design was voted on and this one [ However topics can look like html thisone] was selected
* Koji setup* Mock testing Final Poster are uploaded here in pptx format [http://hongkong.proximity.on VMs* Performace Tests: iSCSI vs. NFS vsca/muhaque/poster. Local USB diskppt here]
== Things to Consider ==
Which logos should we use. I am thinkingPossibilities:* Logo for [ | For fedoraFedora] on right hand top corner.* Logo for [ | Seneca] on Left-hand top corner.* Logo for Open Source @ Seneca would be nice consideration. But can't find the image.
Some mock posters are posted [ | here.] Final design needs to be selected.