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Winter 2009 DPS911-OSD700 Weekly Schedule

227 bytes removed, 22:47, 19 April 2009
Exam Week (April 20)
1. Anthony Hughes - Thursday April 16 - 1:00 pm<br />
2. Chinmay Patel, Tuesday April 14th @ 1:45 pm (I changed my time because I found out that I have a midterm at 1:00 p.m.)<br />
3. Nino D'Aversa - Thursday April 16th @ 3:30 00 pm(I need more time to prepare my camera stuff - directshow is so confusing :S )<br />
4. Jesse Valianes - Thursday April 16th @ 2:00pm<br />
5. John Ford - Tuesday April 14th @ Noon<br />
* Final Presentations (exact date/time TBA)
* NOTE for David(from Chinmay): I have Final exam on 24th April from 11:30 to 1:30. Hence, schedule my presentation accordingly. Thanks in Advance.