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User:Cdpatel1/FSOSS 08

414 bytes added, 01:35, 6 December 2008
= Comparision between two great Talks =
It is very hard to conclude and compare two great talks in a paragraph. Still However, let me just give a try:;
Both spokespersons were are masters in their fields. Dan is master in Thunderbird community while Greg is master in Linux community. Now Hence, it seems obvious that Dan’s talk would be more focused on Thunderbird community. However, Greg’s talk was not specific to Linux community. It was in general for and generalized to the whole open source community. Dan’s talk was more about responsibilities for of a community member of the community; : what a member should do and what he a member should not do to make the community and the product better. But, Greg was more focusing on what a community can do and should do to make contributors happier and more satisfied. Though both were targeting different part of the open source worldcommunity, they both were aiming to make the community utopiaa better place to work.
= Personal Views =
Talks in FSOSS and its talks somehow conflicted with some of my few ideas that I was having for the about open source communityand products. First of all, I used to think that there is only one open source community exists- Mozilla Inc. But, when I attended some talks, especially above mentioned two talks, I came to realise that the whole open source community is made of so many small open source communities. Everybody is totally different from each other just to accomplish the single goal- the goal of free software and open source development. Just an example: Mozilla corporation is providing free software and their source code to make the web faster, safer and reliable. Similarly, Fedora people are providing free operating systems. In short, both are making the software world providing free softwares for users and free source code for developers. I was totally amazed by the information that Microsoft also supports open for all userssource community. You can find more information about it from .
Secondly, Dan’s talk introduced me to the topic of Debian effect. Dan was denying the existence of the Debian effect in the Thunderbird community. But, I am having a strange feeling that Thunderbird community is also affected by Debian effect because nothing is perfect in the world. The way some people argued in the room created a negative feeling for the effect. One thing I learned from the discussion of Debian effect is to do my part in the community ignoring what others are doing.
After Honestly, after attending Greg's talk, I became his fan. I think that he is having the most clear concept for the open source community. Until todayTill date, I was just assuming that free softwares are better. And the The major reason why it is better is , "it is FREE"in sense of money. Users do not need to pay for it. In additionBut, he Greg showed features vs. contributors graph. The graph showed the growth was featuring relationship between number of contributors and bugs or features in features for the an open source products till infinityproduct or a copyright product. HoweverIt shows that, there is no growth in the copyright products after certain amount of time due to financial limitations. Exactly opposite than that, open source products do not have limitations in terms of money. In addition, Greg's talk give me an open minded vision looking to look into the community which focuses more on the contributors rather than community itself.
= Conclusion =
FSOSS was my first technical event I have ever attended in my life. I was a bit of nervous thinking that I am nothing compare to the people which who are coming to the conference. I was also afraid to talk to anybody in the conference but still I started the conversation with Mr. Dan. Surprisingly, he gave me a very warm invitation to talk for conversation and he interestingly discussed my problemsproject. He filled me with the confident to work in the open source community and gave me few tips to survive in the community. Overall, the event opened a door for me to the open source community and I am looking forward to carry on with the open source world.

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