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{{Chris Tyler DraftAdmon/important|This lab is not used in the current semester.|Please refer to the other labs in the [[:Category:SPO600 Labs|SPO600 Labs]] category.}}[[Category:SPO600 Labs- Retired]]{{Admon/lab|Purpose of this Lab|In this lab, you will learn some of the basics of [[6502]] assembly language, in preparation for learning more complex x86_64 and AArch64 assembly language.}}
== Resources ==
=== Setup ===
{{Admon/tip|Sharing Results|Decide how group results will be shared between the members of the group. (Suggestion: consider using a git repository).}}
=== Writing Code, Part 1 ===145. Write code to draw a green line across the top of the bitmap screen and a blue line across the bottom.
== Write-Up ==
Post an entry on your blog describing your experiments in this lab. Include:
# An introduction, so that someone who happens across your blog will understand the context of what you're writing about.
# The results from the ''Bitmap Writing Code'' portion portions of the lab, describing what happened in each case including the code, a description of how the code works, and the reasons for itresults produced.# The results from Your answers to the two ''Writing CodePerformance'' portions of the labquestion, including the code, a description of how you reached your answer.# Optional (Recommended): the code worksresults of the Experiments section (above), and the results producedyour explaination for each observed result.# Your experiences with this lab -- your impressions of the Assembly Language, what you learned, and your reflections of on the process.
Remember to follow the [[Blog Guidelines]] as you write.