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Winter 2008 OSD600 Weekly Schedule

1,618 bytes added, 20:36, 11 April 2008
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[[Image:osd600_winter2008.png|thumb|300px|Photo taken at the end of the year. Open Source FTW! From left to right: Radovan Nesic, Peter Evanoff, Peter Chan, Joseph Cresencia, Chris Tyler. Also we're missing one person: Samer Ziadeh. [ High Quality]]]
== Week 1 (Jan 8) Course introduction ==
== Week 12 – XPCOM ==
* Intro to [ XPCOM]
** XPCOM can be built in C++ or [ using JS]
** Components, [ Interfaces], and [ XPIDL]
* Optional Lab: [[Real World Mozilla First XPCOM Component|Creating a Binary C++ XPCOM Component]].
* '''Readings/Resources'''
** [ Introduction to XPCOM] (on-line lecture) by Mozilla's Benjamin Smedberg
** [ "Creating XPCOM Components"] -- an excellent on-line book working step-by-step through creating a real XPCOM component.
** [ JS Component Wizard]
* [ Ben Smedberg on XPCOM].
** Prepare your 0.3 release
== Week 13 – Presentations / Major Project Due ==
* Complete this week's [[Real World Mozilla First XPCOM Component|lab]], put a '''zip''' with all your files on your personal wiki page when done, and blog about the experience.
* Prepare for a brief (10-20 minute) demo on Thursday.
* Catch up on your blogging!
== Previous Versions of OSD600 ==
[[Fall 2007 Weekly Schedule]]