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OPS Stream Meeting (November 13, 2013)

13 bytes removed, 22:47, 15 January 2015
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===Concerns / Opportunities:===
1. :#Chris mentioned from his perspective many of the CNS/CTY graduates in CDOT that move into industry notice "delta" between course concepts and "real world" practice of Linux admin in terms of Enterprise computing (clusters as opposed to single machines).:#More emphasis should be placed on administering / setting up in the cloud (paradigm shift) . This concern was also mentioned and addressed in the CNS/CTY PAC committee meeting held in the previous week.:#Suggestion to move from "KVM" to" Open-Stac"k for OPS235 / OPS355 (perhaps other courses/) for VM management, with "rdo" scripts to help simplify complex configuration involving "OPEN STACK". Also mention of importance of network reliability when using VM manager such as Open Stack.:#Apparently discussion regarding roll-out / design of Matrix2. Apparently Chris Tyler and John Selmys (or was that Andrew? I forget...) to attend this informaiton session and report back to OPS Stream meeting. Importance of Faculty to be aware how computing in the cloud would impact labs, and be prepared to incorporate in order to effectively instruct and better prepare students for industry.:#Importance to design courses using a taxonomy (i.e. a ladder or "steps") whereby complexity builds so students develop and understand how to administer or perform an operation, but are then required to apply skills (especially "think" / self actualization to better cement concepts or purpose of labs). Perhaps over time (due to other instructors not involved with planning of course) made improvements that may have made students "perform steps" (path clearing) as opposed to being challenged with a purpose in mind.:#Discussion of the importance of collaboration. For example, more instructors are starting to use the WIKI, but should there be "best-practices" for WIKI use? Also, mention of need possiblly for instructors to use technology to help all keep "in sync" in a way to keep consistent, but also prevent impeding on instructor's flexibility or freedom of delivery...:#Murray indicated it would be a good idea to create a "Mind-Map" of longer term goals for OPS stream. This map can be modified and tweaked to see all concepts, modules to help in curriculum design when the time comes...
2. More emphasis should be placed on administering / setting up in the cloud (paradigm shift) . This concern was also mentioned and addressed in the CNS/CTY PAC committee meeting held in the previous week.
3. Suggestion to move from "KVM" to" Open-Stac"k for OPS235 / OPS355 (perhaps other courses/) for VM management, with "rdo" scripts to help simplify complex configuration involving "OPEN STACK". Also mention of importance of network reliability when using VM manager such as Open Stack. 4. Apparently discussion regarding roll-out / design of Matrix2. Apparently Chris Tyler and John Selmys (or was that Andrew? I forget...) to attend this informaiton session and report back to OPS Stream meeting. Importance of Faculty to be aware how computing in the cloud would impact labs, and be prepared to incorporate in order to effectively instruct and better prepare students for industry. 5. Importance to design courses using a taxonomy (i.e. a ladder or "steps") whereby complexity builds so students develop and understand how to administer or perform an operation, but are then required to apply skills (especially "think" / self actualization to better cement concepts or purpose of labs). Perhaps over time (due to other instructors not involved with planning of course) made improvements that may have made students "perform steps" (path clearing) as opposed to being challenged with a purpose in mind. 6. Discussion of the importance of collaboration. For example, more instructors are starting to use the WIKI, but should there be "best-practices" for WIKI use? Also, mention of need possiblly for instructors to use technology to help all keep "in sync" in a way to keep consistent, but also prevent impeding on instructor's flexibility or freedom of delivery... 7. Murray indicated it would be a good idea to create a "Mind-Map" of longer term goals for OPS stream. This map can be modified and tweaked to see all concepts, modules to help in curriculum design when the time comes...  At the end of the meeting, there was a concensus consensus that meeting was productive. There was also an agreement that this group should meet in January 2014 for followup and further discussion.
[[Category:Curriculum, OPS Stream]]