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OS X Keychain integration Keychain main.cpp

3,006 bytes added, 22:06, 8 February 2007
no edit summary
//Authors: Mohammad Tirtashi
// Phillip Vitorino
//Last changed: December 9th 2006

#include "keychain.h"
// this is just a main to test the keychain class
int main () {

int rcret = 0; //stores the return value when we a record is retrieved. "-25300" = no such item exists, "0" = a record already exists.
int rcsav = 0; //0 = entry saved. anything else = uh oh!.
int rcchg = 0; //0 = change successful. anything else = huston we have a problem.
SecKeychainItemRef itemRef = NULL; // an instance of a keychain item.
char website[11] = ""; // the domain attribute in the keychain item.
website[10] = '\0';

char account[4] = "moe"; // the username attribute.
account[3] = '\0';

void *retpassword = NULL; //stores the retrieved password from the keychain item
UInt32 retpasswordlen = NULL;
const void *savpassword = "1337"; //password to be saved
const void *savpassword2 = "pstdeni";

char *tempretpass = NULL;

keychain *test = keychain::getInstance(); //gets an instance of the keychain object.

// attemps to retrieve the password for the first time. if an account exists then the password is retrieved.
rcret = test->RetrieveInternetPassword(NULL,10,website,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,&retpasswordlen,&retpassword,&itemRef);
printf("Account exists: %d", rcret);
tempretpass = new char[retpasswordlen];
tempretpass = (char *)retpassword;
printf("\nPassword is now: %s", retpassword);
// if the account did not exist.
if (rcret != 0) {
// first we attemp to add a new keychain item.
rcsav = test->AddInternetPassword(NULL,10,website, NULL, NULL, 3, account, NULL, NULL , 20, kSecProtocolTypeFTP, 1,4, savpassword, NULL);
printf("\nAccount added: %d", rcsav);
// if saving the keychain item was successful
if (rcsav == 0){
// retrieving password from the keychain item we just added
rcret = test->RetrieveInternetPassword(NULL,10,website,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,&retpasswordlen,&retpassword,&itemRef);
printf("\nAccount exists: %d", rcret);

// changing the password
tempretpass = new char[retpasswordlen];
tempretpass = (char *)retpassword;
printf("\nPassword is now: %s", retpassword);
// updating the keychain item with the new password
rcchg = test->ChangeInternetPassword(itemRef, 3,account,7,savpassword2);
printf("\nPassword changed: %d", rcret);

// retrieving the password again to see if it changed.
rcret = test->RetrieveInternetPassword(NULL,10,website,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,&retpasswordlen,&retpassword,&itemRef);

tempretpass = new char[retpasswordlen];
tempretpass = (char *)retpassword;
printf("\nPassword is now: %s", retpassword);

printf("\nFailed to add account: %d", rcsav);
printf("\nAccount existed or : %d", rcret);

//SecKeychainItemFreeContent(NULL, savpassword);
if (itemRef) CFRelease(itemRef);
delete tempretpass;
return 0;