Linux System Administration for Programmers
(Redirected from System Administration for Programmers)
This is a topic outline for the upcoming "System Administration for Programmers" session.
- Assume a RHEL/CentOS/Fedora context
- 1 Bash (or, "How To Save Hours of Your Life on the Command Line")
- 2 SSH (or, "Remote Access made Easy and Secure")
- 3 Screen (or, "How to Start a Build at the End of the Day")
- 4 X11 (or, "Why the Linux GUI Rocks and No One Knows")
- 5 Using Root (or, "No Power in the 'Verse Can Stop Me")
- 6 Services
- 7 Firewalls
- 8 Networking
- 9 Installing and Removing Software (or, "That Software is only a Yum Away")
- 10 LVM (or, "Why Running out of Disk Space is No Big Deal" or "Snapshots, Volumes, and Disk Errors, Oh My!")
Bash (or, "How To Save Hours of Your Life on the Command Line")
- Bash tips 'n' tricks
- Command editing
- ^Right, ^Left, Home, ^A, End, ^E, ^T
- Esc-BS, Ctl-W
- Esc-_
- Command searching
- ^R
- !
- Tab completion
- Non-file tab completion
- Prompts
- Aliases
- cd shortcuts: using - and ~
- Startup Scripts - .bashrc, .profile, etc
- Environment Variables - especially PATH
- Command editing
- One-Line Scripting
- Looping on the command line
SSH (or, "Remote Access made Easy and Secure")
- SSH tips and tricks
- X tunneling
- arbitrary forward and reverse tunnels
- Using
for convenience - Public key authentication
- Use of passphrases
- ssh-agent (and gnome ssh agent, ...)
- Securing SSH
- Preventing direct root login
Screen (or, "How to Start a Build at the End of the Day")
- GNU Screen command
- Common options
X11 (or, "Why the Linux GUI Rocks and No One Knows")
- Remote access
- Clipboard vs. Selection
- Fast-paste (middle mouse)
- Composed desktops
- Virtual desktops
Using Root (or, "No Power in the 'Verse Can Stop Me")
- Via sudo
- Via su
- Directly (don't do it!)
- Dangers
- Systemd
- enable and disable
- start and stop
- status
- isolate
- set default
- firewalld
- iptables
- ip vs. ifconfig
Installing and Removing Software (or, "That Software is only a Yum Away")
On an RPM-based system
- Why use a package manager
- Yum/DNF basics
list, search, info
install, remove
rpm -q
basics- package selection:
name -a -f --whatrequires --whatprovides
- info selection:
default -i -l --requires --provides --scripts --qf
- package selection:
- repoquery basics (?)
- apt-get basics (As needed)
LVM (or, "Why Running out of Disk Space is No Big Deal" or "Snapshots, Volumes, and Disk Errors, Oh My!")
- Using LVM for storage management
- Why?
- Concepts: PVs, VGs, LVs
pvs, vgs, lvs
lvextend -r
- LV snapshots