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Weekly Schedule 20133 - OOP344

20,165 bytes added, 13:17, 10 December 2013
official due date for assignment has been posted by Fardad in Application page
Under construction!
== Week 1 - Sep 1 3 ==
=== This Week 1 ===
* Object Orientation Review
* C Review
*: main Function return value
*: pointers
*: pointers and arrays
#: '''''email content'''''
#: name: Your Name (exactly as it appears on your Seneca student card)
#: nickname: Your Nick name(how friends usually call you)#: Git hub ID: your Github id  
==== Due by Sep 8th, 23:59 ====
# Create a [ blog] (anywhere you like or use the one you already have)
=== Resources 1 ===
* [ Etherpad]
* Git
** [ Pro-git book]
** [ Blogger]
** [ Tumblr]
* IRC :** Clients:** : [ XChat 2 (Windows)]** : [ Colloquy Colloguy (Mac)] ** : [ ChatZilla (Multi-platform)]** : [ Clicks & Whistles (Windows)]** How to Install ** [ XChat]** [ IRC Basic Commands] ==Week 2 - Sep 10== ===This Week 2=== * C++ Review (Lecture)** Pointers and arrays** Object Orientation** Classes and privacy** Helpers and Friends** Inheritance and polymorphism** Operators** Dynamic Memory** pre-processor directives * Git review (Lab)*: [ Git_Guide]*: [ clone], [ pull], [ push]*: [ add], [ commit], [ branch] ===To Do 2===*If you have not already, request an account on this wiki (admin email can be found on wiki login page, top right of the screen)*Add your information to [[Student List 20133 - OOP344|The Student List]] as soon as possible<br />*Git Exercise: ([ You need to generate an SSH key before you can do this exercise])** Fork the [ exercise 1 repo from github] into your account** Clone the repo in your account to your local machine** Open the solution in Visual Studio 2012** Find the errors in the program and fix them (Discussing this on the IRC channel is encouraged, but supplying answers is frowned upon)** Check your output against the [[oop344-ex1-output]] to be sure you corrected the program properly** Once complete, add the file to your git stage and commit it with a message that details what you did to fix the program** Push the commit back to your git repository ===Resources 2===* Single resource that will give you all the knowledge you need about pointers, including information given in the last two classes. WARNING! Reading online tutorials is NOT a substitute to visiting in-class lectures.*: [ Everything you always wanted to know about pointers, but were afraid to ask] * Type Casing in C++.*: [ Casting in C++ (YouTube Video)]*: [ Type casting in detail (Documentation)] * Void Type*: [ Pointers to Type Void (MSDN link)] * Function Pointers*: [ C++ Function Pointers].*: [ C++ Function Pointers in detail]. ==Week 3 - Sep 17== ===This Week 3=== * pre-processor directives** macros** Conditional Compilation* Operators** logical** lazy eval* consts** values** pointers** methods* void pointers* default args* typedef, (including C usage)* namespace ===To Do 3===* Write a program called basicMath: $ bm 2 + 3<Enter> $ 5 $ bm 2 x 3<Enter> $ 6 $ bm Heehaw the hoohoo<Enter> $ bm <number> <+-x/> <number><ENTER> * Write a function that receives the env[] array and an environment variable name and returns the value.* Write a function called strncat that concats several strings strncat(des, "Hello", " I am ", "testing ", "this!", 0); Code these, blog and discuss it.... [ link title] {{collapsible header|Blog Posts 3|3|collapsed}}* [ Fardad's hint on basicMath]*Wei-Hao Lo's Solution for basicMath Problem.*:[ Wei-Hao Lo's Code]*Here is my Solution to basicMath problem:*:[ Adam's Blog] *:Zhen's slight improvement to Adam's code *:[ Adam's code]*Andrew's Solution for basicMath problem:*:[ Andrew's Blog] *:Len's slight improvement to Andrew's code *:[ Len's code]*Zach's Solution for basicMath problem:*:[ Zach's Blog]*Zhen's Solution for basicMath problem:*:[ Zhen's code] *:Ragu's slight modification to Zhen's code *:[ Ragu's Code]*Sehui's Solution for basicMath problem:*:[ Sehui's code]*Mohammad's Solution for basicMath problem:*:[ Link to code]*Kirill's Solution for basicMath problem:*:[ Kirill's code]*Brad's Solution for basicMath problem:*:[ Brad's Blog]*Dima's Solution for basicMath problem:*:[ Dima's Code]*Qin's Solution for basicMath problem:*:[ Qin's Blog]*Benson's Solution for basicMath problem:*:[ Benson's Blog]*Luke Jingwei Sun@YorkBuster's Solution for the BasicMath problem:*:[ ParBlog] Takes advantage of: *:GitHub *:Object Oriented Concepts which include the class *:Preprocessor macro *:Namespace *:[ GitHub source code of all stages(Feel free to folk and improve)]*Dimple's solution for basicmath problem*:[ SecA:Dimple Amin]*Roman's solution for basicmath problem*:[ Roman's Blog]*Hyunsu Lee's solution for basicmath problem*:[ Noname]*Justin Chow's magnificent solution to the basicmath problem*:[ Justin's answer]*Yunki Lee's solution for basicmath problem*:[ Yunki's Blog]*Andrey's solution for basicmath problem*:[ Andrey's Blog]*Dmitry's solution for basicmath problem*:[ Dmitry's Blog]*Nak Gui's solution for basicmath problem*:[ Nak Gui's Blog]*Haysean's solution for basicMath problem*:[ Haysean's Blog]*Ruojia's solution for basicMath problem*:[ Ruojia's Blog]*Koghu's solution for basicMath problem*:[ Koghu's Blog]*Gabriel's solution for basicMath problem*:[ Gabriel's Blog]*Lina's solution for basicMath problem*:[ Gyeongmin (Lina)'s Blog]*Dima's solution for basicMath problem*:[ Dmitry Yastremskiy's Blog]*Dima's solution for environmental variables function *:[ Dmitry Yastremskiy's Blog]*Hoon's solution for basicMath problem*:[ Euihoon (Hoon)'s Blog]*Kamlesh's solution for basicMath problem*:[ Kamlesh Korat's Blog]*Shaohua's solution for basicMath problem*:[ Shao's Blog]*Justin Sean Wilkin's solution*:[ BasicMath on Justin's Blog]|} ===Resources 3===* Void Pointers*: [ Using void pointers (YouTube Video)] * macros - Variable arguments list*: *Command Line Arguments*:*: ==Week 4 - Sep 24== ===This Week 4===* Project introduction* [ Project Diagram (as drawn in class)]*: bio, cio* Declaration modifiers *: auto (C++ 11)*: [ static]*: [ extern]*: const (pointers, methods, variables)* [ compilation process]*Real Signature of main()*Variable Argument list ===To Do 4===*Download project from github (do not fork, your code must remain private) {{collapsible header|Blog Posts 4|3|collapsed}}|} ===Resources 4===* [ CIO Library]** contains the bconsole.h and bconsole.cpp files for the assignment, also contains a start to the assignment with a near complete console.h file and a non-finalized version of the display method, and a rough skeleton of the edit method==Week 5 - Oct 01== ===This Week 5===* Pointers (function pointers)* DMA continued* [ Virtuals] *: Review*: Pure Virtual [ Pure Virtual & Abstract Base Classes]*: Abstract Base Classes* team assignments*: github private repos* Project introduction ===To Do 5===* Release 0.1 (the Console class) is due Wednesday Oct 09 23:59*: Details of how to submit will be announced later {{collapsible header|Blog Posts 5|3|collapsed}}*[ Andrew Daniele's Car blog]**the main.cpp code in this blog post will use your display method to drive a car around in the terminal|} ===Resources 5===*:[ Function Pointers]*:[ Pure Virtual]==Week 6 - Oct 08== ===This Week 6===* Linked Lists ===To Do 6===* Challenge*: do depth() copy constructor and reverse() for the stack in oct 08 lecture code: [ secB Oct08]* reverse() is supposed to make stack in reversed order (Dmitry Romanenko) {{collapsible header|Blog Posts 6|3|collapsed}}*Here is my solution to the stack copy constructor, and reverse stack problems:*:[ Adam's Blog]*Jesse's reverse() function for a Stack*:[ Jesse's Blog]*Yu Zhu Zhao's stack copy constructor and reverse() function*:[ Copy Constructor]*:[ Reverse]*unsigned int Stack::depth() - method used the source from the lecture*:[ Stack::depth()]*Mohammad's Copy Constructor and reverse() method*:[ Mohammad's Blog]*Sehui Park's Copy Constructor/ depth() / reverse() *:[ Sehui's Blog]*Nak Gui Choi's Copy Constructor/ depth() / reverse() *:[!/2013/10/copy-constructor-reverse-depth-in.html Nak Gui Choi's Blog]*Ragu's Stack Copy Constructor, depth() method, and reverse() method*:[ Ragu's Linked List Blog Post]*Yunki Lee's solution for Stacked Link Lists *:[ Yunki's Blog]*Benson's solution for the copy constructor, depth(), and reverse()*:[ Benson's Blog]*Haysean's solution for the copy construcor, depth() method and reverse() method*:[ Haysean's Blog]*fabj2's blog post about linked list (sec. c) *:[ Fabj2's Blog]*Kyno's blog about linked list (Sec. C)*:[ Kyno's Blog]|} ===Resources 6=== *Linked Lists:*Linked Lists (video): ==Week 7 - Oct 15== ===This Week 7===* Project review* Templates* Linked lists ===To Do 7===* Convert the dynamic integer array, done in class([ intArray] OR [ Array Of intArray]), to a template and blog about it. {{collapsible header|Blog Posts 7|3|collapsed}}*Benson's template for Array of intArray*:[ Benson's Blog] |} ===Resources 7=====Week 8 - Oct 22 (STUDY break)== ===This Week 8=== ===To Do 8=== {{collapsible header|Blog Posts 8|3|collapsed}}*Thana's Doubly Linked List - No Iter yet(Sec C)*:[ Thana's Blog] *DLL exercise (Xu Liu) _Sec C** still have issues with iterator working with list(2013-10-21)** after re-implementing, it seems work(2013-10-25)*:[ eric506 &#124; Blog for OOP344] *Doubly Linked lists - Justin Chow**Will not protect against crazy stuff you do in the main.*:[ Techno-Mega blog] *Doubly - Fabj2 (section c)*:[ fabj2 blog] *Doubly Linked List with Iterator (Luke Jingwei Sun@Section C)** A simulation to the standard iterator and list.*:[ ParBlog] *My attempt at a Doubly Linked List ( Brad Clement - Section C )*:[ Brad's Blog]|} ===Resources 8=== ==Week 9 - Oct 29==* Section AB:** Initializing vs Setting/Assigning Objects* Section C:** Linked List Review** Templates ===This Week 9===* Test One*# Section A and B*#: Section A, Nov 4th*#: Section B, Nov 1st*#: References Allowed: 2 bound packs of paper (i.e. text book and class notes) Single sheets not allowed.*#: what is going to be on the test? *#: everything from ipc144 to linked lists in oop344*# Section C: ===To Do 9=== {{collapsible header|Blog Posts 9|3|collapsed}}|} ===Resources 9=== ==Week 10 - Nov 5== ===This Week 10===* Section AB:** Casting*** Overload Casting** Linked List w/ Templates* Section C:** Templates Continued** Template Specialization** typename** Enums** Nested Classes ===To Do 10===Section C Exercise: [ CYODT EX1]<br />Section C Exercise: [ CYODT EX2] {{collapsible header|Blog Posts 10|3|collapsed}}*Kyno's Workshop Templates - (Sec C)*:[ Kyno's Blog]|} ===Resources 10=== ==Week 11 - Nov 12== ===This Week 11===* Section AB:** Bitwise Operators** Exceptions*** Try*** Throw*** Catch* Section C:** Implicit Casting Operators** std::string** std::vector** stl iterators** stl algorithms** Recursion** Introduction to multiple inheritance ===To Do 11===*Section C Exercise: [ CYODT EX3] {{collapsible header|Blog Posts 11|3|collapsed}}* Binary to Decimal conversion* Integers/Floats to Binary conversion:*:[ Benson's Blog]*[ Bitwise Operators I], [ Bitwise Operators II], [ Bitwise Operators III] I wrote this to practice bitwise operators, feel free to play around with it for your own practice* Bit class |} ===Resources 11=== *Templates - YouTube link (Bucky's C++ Programming Tutorials, videos 58-61):*[ Application of Bitwise Operations] very good video on bitwise operators ==Week 12 - Nov 19== ===This Week 12===*Section ABC:**Multiple Inheritance***Memory Structures***Diamond Inheritance***Virtual Inheritance***Template Inheritance(Section C)*Section AB:**fstream***read/write files***copying files***binary vs text*Section C:**Exceptions Intro***throw***try***catch ===To Do 12=== {{collapsible header|Blog Posts 12|3|collapsed}}* Benson's Blog: [ Bit Pattern Class], [ setBits function]* Andrew's Blog: [ Bitwise Operators Challenge] * Adam's Blog: [ Templated Bits class]* Len's Blog: [ Bitwise Operators blog], [ github program link]* Ragu's Blog: [ My BitsPattern Blog Post]   |} ===Resources 12=== * A good tool for viewing and editing binary files: [ Free Hex Editor Neo] ==Week 13 - Nov 26== ===This Week 13===*Section AB:**Test 2:**:[ Test 2 solution on Github]**Friday Class is canceled! **BigBlueButton help sessions will be on Saturday and Sunday, (Time will be announced Later)*Section C:**Exceptions (Cont)***Exception classes***Multiple Catches**New Keywords***inline***union**Constrained Casting***const_cast***static_cast***dynamic_cast***reinterpret_cast**Bit-Wise Operators***and ( & )***or ( | )***xor ( ^ )***negate ( ~ )***left bit shift ( << )***right bit shift ( >> )**Binary File Access***ios::binary***Casting to and from byte arrays ===To Do 13=== {{collapsible header|Blog Posts 13|3|collapsed}}* Kirill's Blog - [ CopyPattern] [ bit.h] [ bit.cpp]* Dmitry's Blog - [ CopyPattern from byte to integer]*Jan's Blog - [ Bit Class]*Andrew's Blog - [ Study guide.. possibly?]*Len's Blog - [ fstream practice programs]*Yu Zhu Zhao's blog - [ File practice]|} ===Resources 13=== * [ Multiple Inheritance: Introduction]* [ Multiple Inheritance: Virtual Inheritance] ==Week 14 - Dec 3== ===This Week 14=== ===To Do 14=== ===Resources 14=== ==Exam Week ==* Wednesday Dec 11th, at 11:30*: OOP344AB, Room: S3031*: OOP344C, Room: S2148 * Reference sheets?** 2 sets of bound notes (book + notes) allowed** Should be set (stapled papers or whatever)

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