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OPS235 Lab 1 - Fedora17

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[[Category:OPS235]][[Category:OPS235 Labs]]
{{Admon/caution|THIS IS AN OLD VERSION OF THE LAB|'''This is an archived version. Do not use this in your OPS235 course.'''}} =Fedora 17 Installation (on Main Host - f16hostf17host)=
* Fedora 17 LIVE CD
* Fedora 17 x_64 x86_64 Installation DVD
* SATA Hard Disk (in removable disk tray)
* USB Memory Stick
==Investigation 1: How to Perform a Fedora DVD Install on Your Removable Hard Drive ==
=== Part 1: Simple Things ===
# Insert your '''removable SATA hard disk''' into the drive tray.
<li>Select the default '''keyboard layout''' and '''Basic Storage Devices''' in the following installation screens.</li>
<li>Set your hostname (name of the computer) to <big>'''f17host'''</big> (one word, no space, all lowercase).</li>
<li>Set your time zone to '''Toronto'''. Note that the system (BIOS) clock is set to local time, not UTC.</li> <li>Root Password: enter a password of your own choosing. Pick one that is really, really hard to guess to protect your system. (Recommendation: use the first letter and all the punctuation from a favorite phrase or song verse. For example, "To be or not to be, that is the question!" could become the password "Tbontb,titq!").</li> <li>Select '''Use All Space''', to have the entire disk for the current Fedora16 OS.</li>
{{Admon/important|Previous Contents of Hard Drive will be Erased|If you are using an existing removable Hard Disk from a previous course, you must allow the Installation DVD to "wipe" all previous contents prior to proceeding with this lab (no exceptions). Failure to erase existing contents can cause problems in subsequent labs such as running out of hard disk space...|
=== Part 2: Partitioning === {{Admon/important|Using Entire Hard Disktip |You may be "hesitant" 're supposed to want use this hard drive only for this course| But if you really need to use it for two courses, and the entire disk professor for just one operating systemthe other (probably windows) course will allow it - ask your professor for help with partitioning.}} <ol> <li>If you get a warning with something like "This device may contain data" - it's probably your new hard drive and you can safely use it.</li> <li>Select '''Create Custom Layout''', but we don't want to use the Fedora default setup now.</li> <li>On your drive you will need at least the following partitions. These may be using software that will allow us primary partitions or logical drives. If you have more space than 250GB available - you can add the extra space in equal parts to run virtual machines /home and /var/lib/libvirt/images</li> <ul><li>'''20GB''' for other Fedora installs '''/''' (i.e. "root")</li> <li>'''30GB''' for /home</li> <li>'''8GB''' for '''swap''' (while your host system called Note: "swap" must be selected from the drop down menu)</li> <li>'''100GB''' for '''f16host/var/lib/libvirt/images''' is also running</li></ul> <li>Record briefly in your lab logbook what partitions you created of what size and what device names were assigned to them (/dev/sda1, etc.).|</li></ol>}}ed=== Part 3: Completing Installation ===
<li value="13">When prompted, make certain to select '''Fresh Install''' in order to erase any previous contents of the hard disk.</li> <li>You will be prompted to confirm the options that you have chosen prior to performing the DVD install. If you are not certain, you can "Go Back". As soon as you are satisfied with your selections, then click '''Write Changes to Disk'''.</li> <li>Record briefly in your lab logbook what activity occurs during this installation process.</li> <li>Select in the next screen the '''Graphical Desktop''' applications, and in the additional repositories section (at the bottom) accept the default settings, then proceed. You may look at what's available if you choose "Customize now" but you don't need to customize the software installed at this point.</li>
<li>Add in your lab logbook a brief description of the term "software repository" and what its major purpose serves (what you think it does). We will not add any existing repositories since we are not currently connected to the Internet. Therefore, we will customize the repositories later.</li>
<li>'''Proceed with the installation. This may take some time'''. Record in your lab log-book the <u>general</u> steps in the installation process (displayed in the dialog box).</li>
<li>When installation is complete, a screen will confirm completion, and ask the user to remove the DVD, and reboot the computer. Write in your lab log-book the time it took to perform this DVD Fedora install.</li>
<li>Remove the Fedora Installation DVD, and click '''Reboot'''.</li>
{{Admon/important|Boot-up Issues (Fedora16) in Seneca's Computer labs|Each time you boot from your removable hard drive:
:* '''Press the function key F10 and specify the hard disk device to boot'''<br />(eg. SATA drive).
:* If the user is prompted for a password, '''simply press ENTER''' <br />(without typing any password) at the password prompt.
<ol> <li value="21">When the system starts, set or accept the time and date default.</li> <li>Create a user account for yourself using the same name user ID as your learn account, and create a suitable password (do not forget password!).</li>
<li>Normally, you would want to enable '''Network Time Protocol''', but since we will be experimenting with the networking turned off in later labs, '''leave it disabled'''.</li>
<li> Click on '''Do Not Send Hardware Profile'''.</li>
<li>To find out all the system processes running on your GNU/Linux workstation, enter the command: <code>'''ps -ef'''</code></li>
<li>To capture the list of all the system processes to a file called <code>'''ps.lst'''</code>, enter the command: <code>'''ps -ef > ps.lst'''''</code></li>
<li>Copy the installation log file <code>'''/root/install.log'''</code> and the file '''ps.lst''' to a USB memory key, or '''scp''' to your matrix account as a backup.</li>
{{Admon/tip important|Backup up to your Pathname for USB KeyStick|When your USB key is inserted into your computerThe procedure has changed to refer to the usb device for distributions prior to Fedora17 (eg. /media/usb-device-name). For Fedora17, the new device pathname is recognised and assigned a :<br /><b>/run/media/userloginid/usb-device-name</b> . <br /><br />Note: You can view your USB drive by issuing press the command <codeb>ls /mediatab</codeb> and view key to guess what the mounted devices. Then you can issue a Linux command as "superuserloginname/usb-user" to copy the files to your USB device-name is...}} 
<li value="13">Copy the installation log file <code>'''/root/install.log'''</code> and the file '''ps.lst''' to a USB memory key, or '''scp''' to your matrix account as a backup.</li></ol> {{Admon/tip |Backup up to your USB Key|When your USB key is inserted into your computer, the device is recognised and assigned a name. You can view your USB drive by issuing the command <code>ls /run/media/yourusername</code> and view the mounted devices. Then you can issue a Linux command as "super-user" to copy the files to your USB device.}}<ol><li value="14">View the section below to learn about and perform an update on your fresh Fedora16 Fedora install (you may have to find spare time to perform this install if you are running short on lab time). '''Do <u>not</u> proceed to Investigation 3 without performing an update'''.</li>
{{Admon/tip |Updating Fedora|The Fedora 16 software is updated frequently to add features, fix bugs, and upgrade security. '''Perform a system update to get the latest versions of the packages installed in Fedora: Start the Firefox web browser, turn off popup window blocking (select ''Edit>Preferences'', then select the Content tab and uncheck the box to Block Popups), then login to SeneNET. Open a terminal and type <code>su</code> to start a shell as root. Enter the command <code>yum update</code>''' This will download and install all of the packages that have been updated since the installation DVD image was created. If you complete this command at Seneca it should run quite fast as Seneca College hosts a Fedora Repository mirror (a copy of all of the current fedora packages, on a local web server).}}
'''Answer the Investigation 2 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
{{Admon/tip |Learning How Rusty Issuing Linux commands since ULI101?|To be an effective Linux administrator, you need to Learn|Refer become comfortable on issuing Linux commands in a shell, and use resources to quickly learn how to properly formulate Linux commands...<br /><br />You can run the following online tutorials to practice (refresh) issuing Linux commands. These tutorials were designed for another course called "OPS435", but you can still use them for practice. Simply open a shell, SSH into the Matrix server (eg. ssh and run the following 4 tutorials (you can copy and paste these separate pathnames and run like a program):<br /><br />'''/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial1<br />/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial2<br />/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial3<br />/home/ops435/tutorials/vi-tutorial'''<br /><br />You can also refer to the section above called '''Linux Command Online Reference''' to see how use use the following Linux commands to obtain the required information.}}
# To check the network configuration settings obtained from the DHCP server, run the following commands, describing the output in your log book:
# Find the following information in the output of the above commands:
#* '''MAC address''' (physical or hardware address) of the ethernet network interface
#* '''Subnet mask'''
#* '''The IP address''' (logical address) assigned by the DHCP server
#* '''The default route''' (gateway)
'''Answer the Investigation 3 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
== Investigation 4: SELinux ==
{{Admon/important|SELinux|SELinux stands for '''Security-Enhanced Linux'''. It is a component that helps to better secure the system to protect against intrusion (hackers). Usually, SELinux is enabled upon the default install of Fedora. SELinux can be a good thing, if you take care of it and are aware that it is enabled or disabled. It is recommended that you '''disable SELinux by default''' for this course, since you will be communicating with other virtual machines and can cause machines NOT to communicate.}}
# Disabling SELinux on Fedora is actually quite simple, just edit the file '''/etc/selinux/config''' and change the following line to look like this:
#* SELINUX=disabled
= Completing the Lab =
* Can login with your "learn" account name
* Has the package count
* Has correct size partitions for:
:* '''root /''' (20GB), '''/home''' (30GB), '''swap''' (8GB)
:* '''/var/lib/libvirt/images''' (100GB)
:* Hint: Can issue '''lsblk''' (listblock command)
* Has the correct IP address and MAC address
* Find out the default route (gateway)
* IP of the DNS name server
* Name and contact information on your disk pack
# * Lag Logbook (lab1) notes filled-in.  
= Preparing for Quizzes =

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