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PostgreSQL Adapter Project - Code Review 2 Changes

921 bytes added, 22:46, 26 January 2014
no edit summary
== General ==
* Run server with connections file that has no port
|Why does DB add quotes to column names that where not original quoted e.g. if a column name contains $ ?
|Check meta data that jdbc driver returns if column names are quoted e.g. name, value, cache
|'name','value' they are quoted
|Check what happens if table with column sizes that exceeds page size for a row. If there is limit, then move virtual columns to tables instead
|The default for most TOAST-able data types is that Compression will be attempted first, then out-of-line storage if the row is still too big.
|Are postgresql functions atomictransaction safe?|'''YES'''
|Check if size of column storage for characters can be specified
== Classes ==
Fix repository('''DONE''' - Recreated the repository)
* Remove changeset that overwrites changes that came from NexJ repository
* on instantiation create reference to PostgreSQLSchemaManager
* reference schema manager for shared logic
* get methods from interfaces and not implementations
* remove unnecessary class declarations
* move check for PGXAConnection to first step and let super handle
* check change static initialization to first copy array and then overwrite with custom binds|'''DONE'''
* change logic to use one buffer
* remove table alias from query
* modify logic to check column type and if character then check unicode
|||-|makeViewDummy* Rename Method name* Add comment to dummy view with original statement|'''DONE'''
* change from LOWER to UPPER
* check if toDatabaseCase is required
* if cannot get QueryExecutor instead synchronize on connection
* track down why connection used for unittests has autoCommit enabled
* Override unwrap and move logic in getPostgreSQLConnection to this method
=== PostgreSQLSchemaManager ===
! UnitTest
|column iteratortable.getColumnIterator()* instead use table.columnCountgetColumnCount()|'''DONE'''
|Comparing Primitive
* no need to use getOrdinal
* use max_field_size for both
* update all code that requires owner, since default owner now exists
* check for similarities with original implementation
|'''DONE''' no similarities
* Primitive.String use isCLOBisLOB, remove check from nPrecision|'''DONE'''
|renameTable / renameColumn
* recreate the tiggers/procedures instead of dropping and recreating the helper column
|'''DONE''' **
* ensure BLOB data is not being lost
* change to first add tablespace then index fill
* for index fill less than 10, set to 10
* use && instead
* check if value returned by super implementation works
|toMetaDatacase / isCaseInsensitiveColumn
* Move logic to strip enclosing quotes from returned values in to metaDatacase
* check if it is needed if code is implemented that strips off quotations from metadata
* start off by returning true, run unit test and for those that fail, return false
* change to 2 implementations that take a table and a column
* When BLOB column is created, create triggers for lo_manage
* After case when columns do not match, return
* remove string concatenation
|createFulltextProcedure / dropFulltextProcedure
* make inline
* move drop procedure before super call
* rename unneeded buf.setLength
* use comment to store old select statement
* implement where returns quoted tableName without schema
* merge dropFulltextTrigger and Procedure
* use index.getName(Table)
* quarter use interval'3 months'
* Rename Method name
* Add comment to dummy view with original statement
=== CaseInsensitiveSQLSchemaManager ===
* remove appendSeparator
* add a flag (bSep) where to add separator or not
=== PostgreSQLAdapterTest===
* just return true
* use simpler logic
=== sql.AllTests===
* just pass in property file
* change logic to not use loop
* move statement for owner property to place in alphabetical order
=== SQLCursor ===
* use sqlAdapter.appendLiteral
== Scripts ==
|encoding and collation
* get values from custom properties
|add comment that locktimeout exception is not support on postgresql
|add procedure to check that all contrib modules have been installed
|set default owner to nexjsa

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