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OOP344 - 20101

102 bytes added, 12:03, 12 May 2010
fixed the oop344 index
[[OOP344]] - [[OOP344 Student List]] - [[OOP344 Teams]] - [[OOP344 Assignment One]] - [[OOP344 Assignment Two]]<br big><big>Object Oriented Programming II Using C++</big></big> with introduction to open source{{OOP344 Index - 20101}}
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= OOP344 -- Object Oriented Programming II Using C++=
= OOP344 -- Object Oriented Programming II Using C++ = ==[ Subject Description and Course Outcomes]==
* Please visit the [ School Of Computer Studies] website for the [ detailed description] of the subject
== The Project (under construction) ==
The project for this semester is a multiplatform text based, Text Editor.and is done using opensource concepts<br />
The project is divided into 2 main parts.===Individual work===The Basic Input Output Library, and Main Application
Done individually! Each student must complete and hand her/his own work, no collaboration permitted for this part.=== Basic Input Output Library ===
* C based multi-platform IO functions; (Majority of the code is provided by the prof).* The assignment can be found [[OOP344_Assignment_One|here]]Project is initiated on individual SVN accounts for each team* Each team member is to commit a section of the code and resolve possible conflicts.
* [[OOP344 Assignment One#Console Input Output Library|Console Input Output Library (ciol)]]=== Main Applicaton ===** [[OOP344 Assignment One#Basic Console Input Output|Basic Console Input Output (io)]]: <br /> This part is written in C language. It is responsible for handling basic input output features needed to interact with the console** [[OOP344 Assignment One#Line and Selection Editor|Line and Selection Editor:]]<br /> This part is written will be done collaboratively in C Language and only uses bcio routines, to interact with the console.*** [[OOP344 Assignment One#Line Editor: int io_edit(........)|Line Editor]]<br /> This is responsible for making a full edit on a single line groups of text and also provide basis for 4 - 8 students under a multi-line text editor.*** [[OOP344 Assignment One#Selection Editor|Selection Editor]]<br /> It provides means (A Checkbox) to create selection lists or Yes/No queries.simulated open source model
===Open Source===* Basic Encapsulating Classes <br /> This part is written in C++ and encapsulates the '''''io''''' routines into classes* The Application<br />this part is written in C++ and uses the "Basic Encapsulating Classes" classes to do interact with the user.
This part will be done collaboratively in groups of 4 - 8 students under a simulated open source model* Basic Encapsulating Classes (bec)<br /> This part is written in C++ and encapsulates the '''''io''''' routines into classes* The Text Editor<br />this part is written in C++ and uses the '''''bec''''' classes to do full text edit.== Grading ==
==Grading==* Tests** Test 1 10%** Test 2 10%** Quizzes 10%* Project** IO Library 3%** Application 17%** Contribution 10%* Final Exam 40%
To be completed== Resources ==
==Resources==* Class notes can be found here: svn://* [ How To edit Wiki pages]* [ Subversion (SVN)]* [ Download Page of TortoiseSVN]* [ SVN book at] or download [ the PDF from here].* Mac Lab Available in 2108 as well as in the Computing Commons** [ Create an IRC account and login (in Windows)]* [ IRC Tutorial]
*[ How To edit Wiki pages]*[ Subversion (SVN)]*[ SVN book at] or download [ the PDF from here].*Mac Lab Available in 2108 as well as in the Computing Commons*== Examples ==
==Examples==[httpssvn:// Examples and Notes done in class]trunk
[ Class notes, samples, tests, ... 2001 -> 2009]<br />checkout svn:// for all the notes since 2001<br />[[OOP344 20093]]
= OOP344 -- Weekly Schedule =
==Week 2 - Sep 13==
===This Week===
C, a closer look to:define, include, macros, operators, statement evaluation, return value of main, return value of printf and scanf, Conditional Compilateion == Week 1 - Jan 10 ==
Starting assignment one=== This Week ===
* Introduction to Open Source development.* Collaboration Tools:** Wiki** Blog** IRC** Code Repository* 144/244 review ===To Do===  Due date: Jan 12, 2010 , 23:59 (11:59pm)
Due date: Sep -17 - 2009 , 23:59 (11:59pm)
* Add your name to the [[OOP344 Student List]]
* Join the IRC by [ registering your nickname on freenode] server and joining the #Seneca channel<br />Additional channels of interest:** #seneca-oop344 for 344 related dialog** #seneca-social for Social (off-topic) dialog
* Create a blog (if you don't already have one) and [[Planet CDOT Feed List|add your feed]] to [ Planet CDOT]
* ChallengeDownload [http: write this function without using any library functions; void GetInt(char *strint, int val);<br /> this function gets an integer value / SVN] and converts it to a string check out the OOP344 repo("strint"svn:// get the notes done in class === Resources === * ChallengeA quick tutorial for SVN: Modify [ Source Control in Ten Minutes]* [ How to create console application projects in Visual Studio]* [OOP344 Assignment One io_displayCreate_an_IRC_account_and_login_.28in_Windows.29 Create an IRC account and login (const char *str, int row, int col, int lenin Windows)|io_display]] function to the shortest code possible. Get the source * [https RabbitVCS -Sep17/ HERELinux alternative to TortoiseSVN]. == Week 2 - Jan 17 == === This Week === * Assessment Quiz on ipc144 and oop244* C, a closer look to: define, include, macros, operators, statement evaluation, return value of main, return value of printf and scanf, Conditional Compilation * Starting the IO Library === To Do ===
==Week 3 * Make sure all your information on last week's '''To Do''' is up to date* Finalize your teams* Book your first [[OOP344 IRC Schedules | IRC meeting]] with Fardad on #seneca- Sep 20==oop344 (Remember, for the first meeting all team members should be present)* Add Coding Rules to your team page and follow it in your project** Coding rules are things like, tab size, indentation size, etc...
=== Resources ===
===This Week===* Explains pointers and how memory is stored.... [ C/C++ - Memory and Pointers]
Starting Assignment one, starting the project== Week 3 - Jan 24 ==
Pointers, pointer arithmetic, pointer to pointer to....,=== This Week ===
===To Do===* Complete last week's "To Do"s.#define and conditional compilation* Form Starting the teams and [[OOP344 Teams|add your team to the wiki]]Basic Input Output Functions** Teams with less than 4 members and more than 8 are not acceptable.** Merge or divide teams if necessary Assigning SVN Accounts to adjust the number of team members.** Teams' member selection must be finalized by Oct 3rd.** Those without a team, join the teams with least number of members.** Select a team leader who is going to be the contact person for the team.*Challenge 3: using what we learned so far (logical operators, and pointers) write the io_display function in ONE line only(Due Sunday 23:59):<pre>void io_display(const char *str, int row, int col, int len){ yada yada yada;}</pre>
==Week 4 - Sep 27= To Do ===
===Topics for this week===* Checkout the repository from trunk and test compile it on different platforms* Branch the trunk into a branch under your SenecaID in branches* #undef* Checkout your own branch and start working on your part of the assignment** After each accomplishment in your own branch, casting, unsigned variables, multi-dimensional arrays modify the code in trunk and their pointer notationcommit the code* pointers to functions, pointers to pointers to pointers * Make sure the code committed totrunk is ALWAYS at compiled state with no warnings or errors...* typedef, enum
===To DoChallenge ===* Complete last week's "To Do"s.* Finalize Teams by end of the week (Sat Oct 3rd)** If your team has less than 4 members, either try to merge your team to another team or break up your team and join other teams.** After finalizing your members make sure your team wiki page is created and inculdes the list of all team members and their information** Select and identify a first and second contact person for your group.==Week 5 - Oct 04==
===This Week===Without use of any library functions (use only the BIOF functions) create a function called:
* [[OOP344_Quiz2_20093|Quiz 2]]<big>* Bits, bitwise operators* a jump ahead and review!, C++, Inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation void bio_putint(int val)
* default parameters, forward declaration, initialization vs</big>This function should print the integer at where the cursor is on the screen.The first two blogs with the correct answer will get 5% bonus for the first test.The next two blogs optimizing the code of the first two blogs will get 5% bonus for the first test too. setting, virtual methods, pure virtual methods, abstract base classes
===To DoResources ===* Complete last week's "To Do"s, if not done already!* Copy [ as1tester.c] and run the test with your ciol.c and ciol.h* A quick tutorial for SVN: [ Source Control in Ten Minutes] * Read first four chapters of [ the SVN book].* Download SVN and install it on you PC from []** windows: [ Tortoise SVN]** Linux (Fedora: <big><code>yum install subversion</code></big>)** MAC: already in Apple's Developer Tools
==Week 6 4 - Oct 11Jan 31 ===== This Week ===
===This Week===* SVN review==== Dynamic Memory allocation ====* Multi dimension arraysTo do Dynamic Memory Allocation you need:* void pointers# Pointer of the type of the memory we are allocating. Ex: int* p;# If the pointer is already pointing at another already allocated memory, deallocate it.# Allocate memory and set the pointer to its address.# Use the memory.....# When you are done, deallocate it. Ex: delete [ ] p;function
===To Do=== * Blog* Update your wiki student list page* Assignment one is due Thursday Oct 15thDivide the assignment into small tasks and assign it to team members === Resources === == Week 5 - Feb 7 ===== This Week === * pointer to function* sizeof** sizeof structures* typedef* union* control flow** break, 23only in switch** continue :59-(* Complete past weeks' "To Do"s* goto -:(* A quick tutorial for SVN: [ Source Control in Ten Minutes]joining expressions* Get ready for conditional expression (x = a quiz on Dynamic memory allocation and SVN next week.>b?c:d)
==Week 7 - Oct18= To Do ===
=== Resources ===== Week 6 - Feb 14 =====This Week===
* passing aruguments
* Quiz on DMA and SVN
* Assigning SVN Accounts
* IRC Meetings with Teams.
* Linked Lists
* Declaration Modifiers
** const
** auto
** extern
*Real Syntax of main* staticVariable Argument list === To Do === ==== Challenge ==== Write the printf function but call it MyPrint.It should support *%c (character)* auto%s (string)*%d (integer)* register%X or %x (integer printed in Hex)*%f (double or float no formating, always printed with 2 digit after decimal point)  MyPrint("int %d, char %c, string %s, hex %x, float %f", 2, 'A', "hello", 16, 12.34567); int 2, char A, string hello, hex 10, 12.34 === Resources === == Week 7 - Feb 21 ===== This Week === * volatileThursday 23:59: BIOL due.* Passing arguments as command line argurments* Create a branch in tags called BIOL_1.0 and have the final BIOL compiled and tested with released tested program and then commit it to the BIOL_1.0 branch.* Variable argument list* Note that there could be many other tags of BIOL to record your development milestones, but I only mark the highest release not less than 1.0. === To Do === === Resources === == Week 8- Feb 28 Study Week ===== This Week === === To Do === === Resources === == Week 9 - Mar 7 ===== This Week ===* Monday Test One. All that you have learnt from ipc144 to this point on C language only. === To Do === === Resources === == Week 10 - Mar 14 ===== This Week === * Sunday 11:59 Project 0.5 due.** create a PRJ_0.5 branch of a tested and compiled trunk** PRJ_0.5 should a be working project with almost 50% of the functionalities finalized** Note that you may have many other branches in the tag to record your milestones, but the one I mark will be the highest tag NOT less than PRJ_0.5 === To Do === === Resources === == Week 11 - Mar 21 ===== This Week ===
===To Do===
* Upload your sources to SVN=== Resources ===
* Do Test Checkouts, builds and commits.== Week 12 - Mar 28 ===== This Week ===
==Week 8 - Oct 25=To Do ====This Week===* Study break* IRC classes
==Week 9 - Nov 1=Resources ====This Week=======Topics====* Linked Lists (continued)** doubly-linked** trees (introduced)
== Week 13 - Apr 4 ==
=== This Week ===
* Test 2; everything from ipc144 to now about C and C++ language.
* Sunday 11:59, Prj_1.0 is due.
==Week 10 - Nov 8=To Do ====This Week=======Topics====* File Streams** what are cin and cout** fstream, ifstream, ofstream* Binary Fill Access** read, write, append, truncate (ios::in, ios::out, ios::app, ios::ate, ios::trunc, ios::binary)
=== Resources ===
==Week 14 - Apr 11 - Nov 15=====This Week=======Topics====* Binary Fill Access (continued)** seeking and getting the current location in a file** index files, hashes, searches* inline functions
==Week 12 - Nov 22=To Do ====This Week=======Topics====* Templates** function templates** class templates* Statics** Declaration Modifiers** methods** extern
==Week 13 - Nov 29=Resources ====This Week=======Topics====* multiple inheritance* Base classes** virtual base classes** abstract base classes (revisited)* exception handling
==Exam Week 14 - Dec 6=====This Week=======Topics==Apr 18 ==* casting and run time information* standard template library Exam April 20th, 14:00 (introduced2 PM)Room T4040

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