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OPS335 Short-Term

4,345 bytes added, 14:17, 16 January 2018
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 = Current: Winter 2018 Semester = # = Fall 2017 Semester = # '''Network glitch corrected by Mehrdad where network install (URL copy from Belmont) hung up install due to missing software repository'''.<br>'''Cause''': due to firewall protocol system implementation in Spring/Summer, it blocked the "yum" protocol, and now has been <u>'''fixed'''</u> system-wide.<mathbr>Insert formula <br>'''FYI:''' '''Murray Saul''' verified that the fix worked by successfully created a VM via network install.<br><br># <span style="color:red;">'''ATTENTION:'''</span> Mehrdad mentioned that possibly in the next semester (or eventually), the belmont server URLs will be removed. The alternative (and eventual replacement) that affects OPS235/OPS335 is:<br>Therefore, this corrections should be made for OPS235 and OPS335 labs for the Winter 2018 startup prior to classes.<br><br># <span style="color:red;">'''ATTENTION (Mark Fernandes / OPS235):'''</span> Verify your CentOS release version using '''rpm -qa centos-release'''. If it is '''1708''' <u>and,</u> you are using a '''removable hard drive''' with boot issues then do the following: copy '''grubx64.efi''' from [ CentOS EFT/BOOT site here] into your /EFI/BOOT directory of your hard drive. To get to that directory of your hard drive you would need to boot from a live CentOS USB or CD/DVD and mount the /boot partition of your HDD. Try to do this yourself, otherwise ask for help from the lab tutor or instructor.</mathbr><br># For next semester add in procedure for SSDs to create a duplicate image file for c7host in case the original is corrupted. Should also include warning about properly unmounting SSD device prior to removing from computer<br><br> =Current Winter 2016 Semester (= == Observations noted during Winter 2016Semester (future fixes)== #'''Leave in textbook references''' in the OPS335 Weekly Schedule WIKI. <br><br>#Some of the '''animations in the video showing how a server finds matrix are a little fast''' (particularly the root server responding with the address of .ca). I've also always meant to add in a final step to that with the client machine connecting directly to matrix. (side note: I can't believe I used to draw that on the board every semester...) - Peter C.<br><br>#'''Need to reconfigure OPS335 Lab Logbook''' to list lab 1, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4(b,c,d), 5, and 6 - Murray S.<br><br>#Should ask at end of semester if '''labs 4b,c,d just replace lab4a'''. If so, is there any room for spreading out web server lab in the future or not? Need to change 4b, etc to better title of WIKIs if lab 4a is replaced - Murray S.<br><br>#Should create '''shell scripts to check the work that each student did at the of the labs'''. - Murray S.<br><br>#Should '''check to see if the questions at end of each lab are relevant''', etc - Murray S.<br><br>#Since this was the first time through, would be good to '''review each lab to see that general flow and understanding of material can be better communicated to students''' - Murray S.<br><br>#Important to address the '''selinux''' topic in this course - How is this to handled in the labs? Do we disable selinux, but have tip box in labs to show how to make exceptions in selinux? - Murray S.<br><br>#Would be nice for consistent assignments. At the very least, a '''consistent rubrick''' for the assignment to keep the marking content of the assignments consistent. - Murray S.<br><br> 
== Concerns - Winter 2016 Semester ==
:::*Labs should incorporate tips and suggestions from OPS335 instructors to avoid problems (reduce student frustration).
:::*Labs need to reflect required material (listed in OPS335 subject outline) since later courses are dependent on learned skills<br>i.e. ''"thou shalt <u>not</u> mess with the curriculum without proper due process and authorization..."''<br><br>
:::*Professors need to see if a topic requires a lab, or simply if the topic just covered as a lecture.<br><br>
:::*'''Although Professors have flexibility to use their own notes and assignments, there should be consistency using same labs and a common final exam (collaboration with all OPS335 instructors)'''<br><br>
:::*'''Lab Tweak OPS335 Action Plan:''' ::::* Scott Apted to look into "tightening" Learning Outcomes for OPS335 Subject Outline::::* Murray Saul to contact appropriate admin to change weighting of final exam and (lab / quiz) weighting::::* Andrew Smith to modify / check / improve labs::::* Murray Saul to place Jason Carmans' OPS335 Notes into readable form and share with OPS335 instructors for verificaiton / Modification::::* Raymond Chan to share e-mail lab (Current status: e-mailed to Murray Saul)::::* All OPS335 professors encouraged to contribute to "short-term OPS335 WIKI (Murray Saul on watch-list in case of problems) :::*'''Unassigned Tasks (TODOs)''': ::::* Add online resources to reflect Centos7::::* Proof-read and test-out tweaked labs::::* Generate questions for OPS335 final (can be done later)::::*
# Each lab should have a diagram of the expected current state of the virtual network and all the machines/services in it. --Andrew
# Using a samba client in linux is nearly unheard of. If we keep samba - we should make them create a windows virtual machine to use as a client. --Andrew
# As in OPS235 there isn't enough time to cover SELinux in this course. It randomly causes serious problems. Should have instructions to disable it in new installations. '''Installation lab check script insists that it's enabled''' --Andrew# Should use consistent hostnames for host, vm-name/image-filename/vm-hostname --Andrew# Have a quiz first day of class to evaluate what the students know to begin with. --Andrew
=Previous Semesters=

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