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XB PointStream/custom parsers

6,244 bytes added, 15:08, 16 February 2011
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== Putting Everything Together ==
=== Sample Parser ===
Here is a very simple parser which only reads in vertex data from a file.
/*The following is a very simple parser written only to be used as
an example of how a user could write a parser for XB PointStream.*/
var FOO_Parser = (function() {
function FOO_Parser(config) {
var start = config.start || function(){};
var parse = config.parse || function(){};
var end = config.end || function(){};
var fileSizeInBytes = 0;
var numParsedPoints = 0;
var numTotalPoints = 0;
var progress = 0;
// keep track if onprogress event handler was called to
// handle Chrome/WebKit vs. Minefield differences.
// Minefield will call onprogress zero or many times
// Chrome/WebKit will call onprogress one or many times
var onProgressCalled = false;
var AJAX = null;
/* Returns the version of this parser. */
this.__defineGetter__("version", function(){return 0.1;});
/* Get the number of parsed points so far. */
this.__defineGetter__("numParsedPoints", function(){return numParsedPoints;});
/* Get the total number of points in the point cloud. */
this.__defineGetter__("numTotalPoints", function(){ return numTotalPoints;});
/* Get the progress of downloading the point cloud (zero to one or -1 if unknown) */
this.__defineGetter__("progress", function(){ return progress;});
/* Returns the file size of the resource in bytes. */
this.__defineGetter__("fileSize", function(){return fileSizeInBytes;});
this.load = function(path){
AJAX = new XMLHttpRequest();
AJAX.parser = this;
/*occurs exactly once, when the resource begins to be downloaded */
AJAX.onloadstart = function(evt){
/*occurs exactly once, when the file is done being downloaded */
AJAX.onload = function(evt){
var ascData = AJAX.responseText;
var chunk = null;
// if the onprogress event didn't get called--we simply got
// the file in one go, we can parse from start to finish.
if(onProgressCalled === false){
chunk = ascData;
// otherwise the onprogress event was called at least once,
// that means we need to get the data from a specific point to the end.
else if(ascData.length - AJAX.lastNewLineIndex > 1){
chunk = ascData.substring(AJAX.lastNewLineIndex, ascData.length);
numTotalPoints = numParsedPoints;
progress = 1;
AJAX.parseChunk = function(chunk){
// this occurs over network connections, but not locally.
if(chunk !== ""){
// trim leading and trailing spaces
chunk = chunk.replace(/\s+$/,"");
chunk = chunk.replace(/^\s+/,"");
// split on white space
chunk = chunk.split(/\s+/);
var numVerts = chunk.length/3;
numParsedPoints += numVerts;
var verts = new Float32Array(numVerts * 3);
for(var i = 0, j = 0, len = chunk.length; i < len; i += 3, j += 3){
verts[j] = parseFloat(chunk[i]);
verts[j+1] = parseFloat(chunk[i+1]);
verts[j+2] = parseFloat(chunk[i+2]);
// XB PointStream expects an object with named/value pairs
// which contain the attribute arrays. These must match attribute
// names found in the shader
parse(AJAX.parser, {"ps_Vertex":verts});
/*On Minefield, this will occur zero or many times
On Chrome/WebKit this will occur one or many times */
AJAX.onprogress = function(evt){
fileSizeInBytes =;
progress = evt.loaded/;
onProgressCalled = true;
// if we have something to actually parse
var ascData = AJAX.responseText;
// likely stopped getting data in the middle of a line in the file:
// 1.079 1.296 9.360 0 0 0 4.307 1.181 5.208\n
// 3.163 2.225 6.139 0 0 0 0.6<-- stopped here
// So find the last known newline. Everything from the last
// request to this last newline can be placed in a buffer.
var lastNewLineIndex = ascData.lastIndexOf("\n");
AJAX.lastNewLineIndex = lastNewLineIndex;
// if the status just changed and we finished downloading the
// file, grab everyting until the end. If there is only a bunch
// of whitespace, make a note of that and don't bother parsing.
if(AJAX.readyState === 4){
var chunk = ascData.substring(AJAX.startOfNextChunk, ascData.length);
// if we still have more data to go
// Start of the next chunk starts after the newline.
var chunk = ascData.substring(AJAX.startOfNextChunk, lastNewLineIndex + 1);
AJAX.startOfNextChunk = lastNewLineIndex + 1;
};"GET", path, true);
return FOO_Parser;
=== Create your HTML file ===
Create an HTML which includes your parser, the library and the demo.js script.
<script src="foo_parser.js"></script>
<script src="xbps.js"></script>
<script src="demo.js"></script>
<body onLoad="start();">
<canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
=== Create the Demo.js file ===
Give XBPS a reference to your parser and tell it what files it can read. In this case, we pass in "foo".
function start(){
var ps = new PointStream();
ps.registerParser("foo", FOO_Parser);
ps.onRender = function render() {
ps.translate(0, 0, -20);
var acorn = ps.load("");

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