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48 bytes added, 00:25, 7 January 2011
It has been decided that VideoSequencer will be an external library for popcorn.js. There is a lighthouse ticket [ here]. The Github repository for VideoSequencer can be found [ here].
duration is the total length in seconds of all the videos.<br />
segments[] is an array of the video elements in the Sequencer<br />
<br />
VideoSequencer currently contains these methods:<br /><br />
*VideoSequencer() - Constructor <br />*play() - Plays the currently active video<br />*pause() - Pauses the currently active video<br />*togglePlay() - if the active video is playing, it is paused. and vice-versa<br />*add(src, len, index) - adds the URI in src of length len (in seconds) to the list of segments<br />*seek(time) - calculates which segment is playing at the specified time, and swaps to it, then seeks to the right position (NEEDS WORK) <br />*swap(seeking) - removes the active video tag from the DOM and displays the inactive video. It then creates a hidden tag and begins pre-loading it. if seeking is set to true, it will remove both tags. <br />*addEventListener(event, callback, useCapture) - adds the event and callback to the queue if it does not exist already, and then adds it to the currently playing video.<br />*removeEventListener(event, callback, usecapture) - if event and callback exist in the event queue, they are remove from the queue and also from the currently playing video.<br />*addListenersToCurrentVideo(listener) - adds all callbacks in the queue for "listener" to the currently playing video<br />*createVideoTag(width, height, controls, hidden) - creates a new video tag with the specified settings and returns it.<br />*update() - checks to see if the active video is about to end. If the video is about to end it calls swap().<br />*convertXML(xmlDoc) - parses the video segment data into the VideoSequencer.<br />*getSegmentData(segDataFile) - creates an XMLHttpRequest to get the segment data XML, then callse convertXML(xmlDoc)<br />*calculateDuration() - calculates the duration of all the videos in the segment object and returns the value.== Project News ==
Friday, October 22, 2010: [ VideoSequencer.js 0.1 Release!]
Monday, December 20, 2010: [ VideoSequencer.js 0.2 Realease!] Thursday, December 23, 2010: [ VideoSequencer.js 0.3] == Project News Release Information== ===0.1=== *[ Source Code (Github)]*[ blog post]*[ Demo]*Supported Functionality:**Can sequence existing video tags on a webpage**Hides/displays videos when one finishes ===0.2=== *[ Source Code (Github)]*[ Blog post]*[ Demo]*Supported Functionality:**Dynamic video tag creation/deletion**Uses an external XML file to describe video Sources and lengths**Supports an almost unlimited number of video sources.**new sources can be added programmatically to the sequence (buggy) ===0.3===
Friday, October 22, *[ Source Code (Github)]*[ Blog post]*[http: // Demo]*Supported Functionality:**Dynamic video creation/deletion**Uses an external XML file to describe video Sources and lengths**Supports an almost unlimited number of video sources.**Event Handling**Non-Standard user interface (using [ soda.js 0])***Pause/Play works***Timebar displays progress through the entire sequence***Seek code is present, but disabled for this release as it causes time bar and video issues.1 Release!

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