User:Kent Poots/drafts

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OPS335 Supplementary Material

1.User:Kent Poots/OPS335 Assignment1

2.How to install Cloud images on Centos


  1. Download the image in raw format - if compressed (.xz), use xz to uncompress: xz -dvk Fedora-x86_64-20-20140407-sda.raw.xz
  2. Use virt-install, e.g.:

virt-install -n kptestf -r 1048 --os-type=linux --os-variant=rhel6 --disk Fedora1.raw,device=disk,bus=virtio -w bridge=virbr0,model=virtio --vnc --noautoconsole --import

Parameters Detailed

-n vmname [the name of your VM]
-r 2048 [the amount of RAM in MB for your VM]
–os-type=windows [the type of OS linux or windows]
–os-variant=win7 [the distribution or version of Windows for a full list see man virt-install]
–disk /kvm/images/disk/vmname_boot.img,device=disk,bus=virtio  [this is a long one you define
the path, then comma delimited options, device is the type of storage cdrom, disk, floppy,
bus is the interface ide, scsi, usb, virtio - virtio is the fastest but you need to install
the drivers for Windows and older versions of Linux don't have support]
-w bridge=br0,model=virtio [the network configuration, in this case we are connecting to a
bridge named br0, and using the virtio drivers which perform much better if you are using an
OS which doesn't support virtio you can use e1000 or rtl8139.  You could alternatively use
--nonetworks if you do not need networking]
–vnc [configures the graphics card to use VNC allowing you to use virt-viewer or virt-manager
to see the desktop as if you were at the a monitor of a physical machine]
–noautoconsole [configures the installer to NOT automatically try to open virt-viewer to view
the console to complete the installation - this is helpful if you are working on a remote system
through SSH]
