Open main menu

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3.5. Add a search button:
add(ButtonField _bf=new ButtonField("Search"); add(_bf);
3.6. Add the array of students to the list field:
3.7. Open <code>MyApp</code> class and add menu items inside the constructor.3.8 Add view, add, edit and delete student options to the menu and set commands to execute:
MyScreen _mainScreen = new MyScreen(); MenuItem view = new MenuItem(new StringProvider("View Student"), 100, 1); view.setCommand(new Command(new ViewCommandHandler())); _mainScreen.addMenuItem(view);
MenuItem adds = new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Add Student"), 200, 2); adds.setCommand(new Command(new AddCommandHandler())); _mainScreen.addMenuItem(adds);
MenuItem edit = new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Edit Student"), 300, 3); edit.setCommand(new Command(new EditCommandHandler())); _mainScreen.addMenuItem(edit);
MenuItem delete = new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Delete Student"), 400, 4); delete.setCommand(new Command(new DeleteCommandHandler())); _mainScreen.addMenuItem(delete); pushScreen(_mainScreen);
3.8. Create inner classes to execute all commands:
3.9. Now create the all other screen and implement menu commands.