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Teams OOP344 - 20101

Revision as of 15:54, 11 November 2009 by Nsimmalavong (talk | contribs)

IRC Meeting Schedule

  • Here are the IRC Schedules, make sure you have at least one booked per week

West Side Connection

Group Contact: Travis Rawn

Group Contact: Armin Kumarshellah AK-FO-7

Team's website

SVN: ops344_093a02

All Are Welcome

Contact: Michael Dawson

2nd Contact: Corey Angus

Team's website


Team Funktion

SVN: ops344_093a04

Team Funktion's Website

Group Contacts

Contact Name Email
Ljubomir Gorscak
Jonathan Plitz

Best Team

Team's website SVN: ops344_093a05

Contact Persons: - - - - - -
Anastasia Semionova - - - - - -
Dmitriy Rozhkov - - - - - -

ASOS Brigade

SVN: ops344_093a06

ASOS Brigade
Last Name Name Seneca Username Section Blog Url IRC Nick Current Task SVN ID
Zhang Shun Yao syzhang4 C MY Blog DownWind IO_MenuBar 64
Hong Yong yhong17 B xDerick' Blog Yong_Clicker IO_Form, IO_Frame 65
Kim Taehoon tkim28 B Blog hoongoon IO_Radio 66
Chen Wen Fang wfchen C Gwen's Blog Gwen2009 IO_Label 62
Xue Yong yxue11 C Blog yxue11 IO_Edit, IO_Vedit 67
Tran Chi-Lea ctran13 C Nitty Gritty ctran13 ciol.c, IO_TextEdit 61
Tran Victor vvtran C Blog? victran IO_CheckList 63
Wang Cong cwang84 B Blog cwang84 IO_Menu 68
Contact: - - - - - - -
Tran Chi-Lea - - - - - -
Chen Wen Fang - - - - - -


SVN: ops344_093a07

Team's webpage
Last Name Name Seneca Username Section Blog Url IRC Nick Current Task
Shi Xiaozhe xshi18 A Blog Lucy_ IO_Field / MenuBar
An Suwon san C Blog mercedes13 IO_Radio
Ren Keyan kren1 C Blog Rocky413 IO_Checklist
Sun Dong dsun17 C Blog frank123 IO_Label / TextEdit
Wang ChunXia cxwang C Blog cxatseneca IO_Frame
Xiong Feihong fxiong1 B Blog fxiong1 IO_Menu
Zhu Zhaolong zlzhu A Blog zlzhu IO_Form
Horn David dhorn1 B Blog F1Z IO_Edit
Contact: - - - - - -
Shi Xiaozhe(lucy) - - - - -
Sun Dong(Frank) - - - - -

Team Hasselhoff

SVN: ops344_093a08 Attention Team Members, go to the team website to find your password for the repository!

Team's website
Last Name Name Seneca Username Section Blog Url IRC Nick Repository Usernames Current Task
Desautels Carl cwdesautels A Blog [Carl89] ops344_093svn89 -
Young Oliver oyoung4 C Oliver's Blog oyoung4 ops344_093svn84 -
Seow Yip Lim ylseow C Yip's Blog YupYipYo ops344_093svn85 -
Simmalavong Niki nsimmalavong C Niki's Blog nsimmalavong ops344_093svn86 -\

Team ++

SVN: ops344_093a09

Team's website
Contact People -
Sasha Atijas -
Ryan Alexander -


SVN: ops344_093a10

Contacts: 1. Justin Robertson 2. Tyler Hackwood


Team Temporary Name

Group Contact/Team Leader: Hasan
Group Contact #2: Joseph Hughes

Team Temporary

SVN: ops344_093a11

A Team

SVN: ops344_093a12

A Team

Group Contact: Keegan | klim4

Last Name Name Seneca Username Section Blog Url IRC Nick Current Task
Chen Terence tjchen A T. Chen's blog - -
Lim Keegan klim4 A Blog klim4 -
Alston Shawn saalston A - saalston -
Duan Haoliang hduan2 A Blog rick_duan -
Wang Yu ywang268 A learn more ywang268 -
Xu Kai kxu9 A Kai's Blog kxu9 -
Tong Wei wtong1 A Blog - -