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18,667 bytes added, 13:46, 7 February 2013
Initial Profile (on OpenSUSE Linux at Seneca):
0.00 3.10 0.00 1 0.00 136.13 cimg_library::CImgList<float>::get_crop_font() const
</pre></big>== Modified Makefile for Profiling == <big><pre>  # # File : Makefile # ( Makefile for GNU 'make' utility ) # # Description : Makefile for compiling CImg-based code on Unix. # This file is a part of the CImg Library project. # ( ) # # Copyright : David Tschumperle # ( ) # # License : CeCILL v2.0 # ( ) # # This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # "". # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated # with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the # software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, # that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also # therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced # professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore # encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their # requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or # data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the # same conditions as regards security. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. #    #------------------------------------------------------- # Define the list of files to be compiled # (name of the source files without the .cpp extension) #-------------------------------------------------------    # Files which do not necessarily require external libraries to run. CIMG_FILES = CImg_demo   # Files which requires external libraries to run. CIMG_EXTRA_FILES = use_jpeg_buffer \  gmic_gimp \  gmic    #--------------------------------- # Set correct variables and paths #--------------------------------- CIMG_VERSION = 1.5.4 X11PATH = /usr/X11R6 CC = g++ EXEPFX = CCVER = $(CC) ifeq ($(CC),g++) CCVER = `$(CC) -v 2>&1 | tail -n 1` endif ifeq ($(CC),clang++) CCVER = `$(CC) -v 2>&1 | head -n 1` endif ifeq ($(CC),icc) CCVER = "icc \( `$(CC) -v 2>&1`\)" CFLAGS = -I.. LDFLAGS = else '''CFLAGS = -I.. -Wall -W -O2 -g -pg'''  '''LDFLAGS = -lm -pg''' endif    #-------------------------------------------------- # Set compilation flags allowing to customize CImg #--------------------------------------------------    # Flags to enable strict code standards ifeq ($(CC),icc) CIMG_ANSI_CFLAGS = -ansi else CIMG_ANSI_CFLAGS = -ansi -pedantic endif    # Flags to enable code debugging. CIMG_DEBUG_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_verbosity=3 -Dcimg_strict_warnings -g    # Flags to enable color output messages. # (requires a VT100 compatible terminal) CIMG_VT100_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_vt100    # Flags to enable code optimization by the compiler. ifeq ($(CC),icc) CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS = -O3 -ipo -no-prec-div else CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS = -O3 -fno-tree-pre endif    # Flags to enable OpenMP support. ifeq ($(CC),icc) CIMG_OPENMP_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_openmp -openmp -i-static else CIMG_OPENMP_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_openmp -fopenmp endif    # Flags to enable OpenCV support. CIMG_OPENCV_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_opencv -I/usr/include/opencv CIMG_OPENCV_LDFLAGS = -lcv -lhighgui    # Flags used to disable display capablities of CImg CIMG_NODISPLAY_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_display=0    # Flags to enable the use of the X11 library. # (X11 is used by CImg to handle display windows) # !!! For 64bits systems : replace -L$(X11PATH)/lib by -L$(X11PATH)/lib64 !!! CIMG_X11_CFLAGS = -I$(X11PATH)/include CIMG_X11_LDFLAGS = -L$(X11PATH)/lib -lpthread -lX11    # Flags to enable fast image display, using the XSHM library (when using X11). # !!! Seems to randomly crash when used on MacOSX and 64bits systems, so use it only when necessary !!! CIMG_XSHM_CFLAGS = # -Dcimg_use_xshm CIMG_XSHM_LDFLAGS = # -lXext    # Flags to enable GDI32 display (Windows native). CIMG_GDI32_CFLAGS = -mwindows CIMG_GDI32_LDFLAGS = -lgdi32    # Flags to enable screen mode switching, using the XRandr library (when using X11). # ( ) # !!! Not supported by the X11 server on MacOSX, so do not use it on MacOSX !!! CIMG_XRANDR_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_xrandr CIMG_XRANDR_LDFLAGS = -lXrandr    # Flags to enable native support for PNG image files, using the PNG library. # ( ) CIMG_PNG_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_png CIMG_PNG_LDFLAGS = -lpng -lz    # Flags to enable native support for JPEG image files, using the JPEG library. # ( ) CIMG_JPEG_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_jpeg CIMG_JPEG_LDFLAGS = -ljpeg    # Flags to enable native support for TIFF image files, using the TIFF library. # ( ) CIMG_TIFF_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_tiff CIMG_TIFF_LDFLAGS = -ltiff    # Flags to enable native support for MINC2 image files, using the MINC2 library. # ( ) CIMG_MINC2_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_minc2 -I${HOME}/local/include CIMG_MINC2_LDFLAGS = -lminc_io -lvolume_io2 -lminc2 -lnetcdf -lhdf5 -lz -L${HOME}/local/lib    # Flags to enable native support for EXR image files, using the OpenEXR library. # ( ) CIMG_EXR_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_openexr -I/usr/include/OpenEXR CIMG_EXR_LDFLAGS = -lIlmImf -lHalf    # Flags to enable native support for various video files, using the FFMPEG library. # ( ) CIMG_FFMPEG_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_ffmpeg -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -I/usr/include/libavcodec -I/usr/include/libavformat -I/usr/include/libswscale -I/usr/include/ffmpeg CIMG_FFMPEG_LDFLAGS = -lavcodec -lavformat -lswscale    # Flags to enable native support for compressed .cimgz files, using the Zlib library. # ( ) CIMG_ZLIB_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_zlib CIMG_ZLIB_LDFLAGS = -lz    # Flags to enable native support of most classical image file formats, using the Magick++ library. # ( ) CIMG_MAGICK_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_magick `Magick++-config --cppflags` `Magick++-config --cxxflags` CIMG_MAGICK_LDFLAGS = `Magick++-config --ldflags` `Magick++-config --libs`    # Flags to enable faster Discrete Fourier Transform computation, using the FFTW3 library # ( ) CIMG_FFTW3_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_fftw3 ifeq ($(MSYSTEM),MINGW32) CIMG_FFTW3_LDFLAGS = -lfftw3-3 else CIMG_FFTW3_LDFLAGS = -lfftw3 endif    # Flags to enable the use of LAPACK routines for matrix computation # ( ) CIMG_LAPACK_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_lapack CIMG_LAPACK_LDFLAGS = -lblas -lg2c -llapack    # Flags to enable the use of the Board library # ( ) CIMG_BOARD_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_board -I/usr/include/board CIMG_BOARD_LDFLAGS = -lboard    # Flags to compile on Sun Solaris CIMG_SOLARIS_LDFLAGS = -R$(X11PATH)/lib -lrt -lnsl -lsocket    # Flags to compile GIMP plug-ins. ifeq ($(MSYSTEM),MINGW32) CIMG_GIMP_CFLAGS = -mwindows endif    #------------------------- # Define Makefile entries #------------------------- .cpp:  @echo  @echo "** Compiling '$* ($(CIMG_VERSION))' with '$(CCVER)'"  @echo  $(CC) -o $(EXEPFX)$* $< $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(CONF_LDFLAGS) ifeq ($(STRIP_EXE),true) ifeq ($(MSYSTEM),MINGW32)  strip $(EXEPFX)$*.exe else  strip $(EXEPFX)$* endif endif menu:  @echo  @echo "CImg Library $(CIMG_VERSION) : Examples"  @echo "-----------------------------"  @echo " > linux : Linux/BSD target, X11 display, optimizations disabled."  @echo " > dlinux : Linux/BSD target, X11 display, debug mode."  @echo " > olinux : Linux/BSD target, X11 display, optimizations enabled."  @echo " > mlinux : Linus/BSD target, no display, minimal features, optimizations enabled."  @echo " > Mlinux : Linux/BSD target, X11 display, maximal features, optimizations enabled."  @echo  @echo " > solaris : Sun Solaris target, X11 display, optimizations disabled."  @echo " > dsolaris : Sun Solaris target, X11 display, debug mode."  @echo " > osolaris : Sun Solaris target, X11 display, optimizations enabled."  @echo " > msolaris : Sun Solaris target, no display, minimal features, optimizations enabled."  @echo " > Msolaris : Sun Solaris target, X11 display, maximal features, optimizations enabled."  @echo  @echo " > macosx : MacOSX target, X11 display, optimizations disabled."  @echo " > dmacosx : MacOSX target, X11 display, debug mode."  @echo " > omacosx : MacOSX target, X11 display, optimizations enabled."  @echo " > mmacosx : MacOSX target, no display, minimal features, optimizations enabled."  @echo " > Mmacosx : MacOSX target, X11 display, maximal features, optimizations enabled."  @echo  @echo " > windows : Windows target, GDI32 display, optimizations disabled."  @echo " > dwindows : Windows target, GDI32 display, debug mode."  @echo " > owindows : Windows target, GDI32 display, optimizations enabled."  @echo " > mwindows : Windows target, no display, minimal features, optimizations enabled."  @echo " > Mwindows : Windows target, GDI32 display, maximal features, optimizations enabled."  @echo  @echo " > clean : Clean generated files."  @echo  @echo "Choose your option :"  @read CHOICE; echo; $(MAKE) $$CHOICE; echo; echo "> Next time, you can bypass the menu by typing directly 'make $$CHOICE'"; echo;    all: $(CIMG_FILES)    clean:  rm -rf *.exe *.o *~ \#* $(CIMG_FILES) $(CIMG_EXTRA_FILES) ifneq ($(EXEPFX),)  rm -f $(EXEPFX)* endif    # Specific targets for the 'gmic_gimp' plug-in for GIMP. gmic_gimp.o: gmic.cpp gmic_def.h  $(CC) -o gmic_gimp.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_gimp -Dgmic_float_only $(CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS) $(CIMG_FFTW3_CFLAGS) $(CIMG_PNG_CFLAGS)    gmic_gimp: gmic_gimp.o gmic_gimp.cpp  $(CC) -o $(EXEPFX)gmic_gimp gmic_gimp.cpp gmic_gimp.o -Dcimg_build `gimptool-2.0 --cflags` `gimptool-2.0 --libs` $(CIMG_GIMP_CFLAGS) $(CIMG_OPT_FLAGS) $(CIMG_FFTW3_LDFLAGS) $(CIMG_PNG_LDFLAGS) -lpthread    # Specific targets for 'gmic'. gmic_def: gmic_def.gmic  cd ../../gmic/src && $(MAKE) def    gmic_bool.o: gmic.cpp  @echo  @echo "** Compiling 'gmic ($(CIMG_VERSION))' with '$(CCVER)'"  @echo  $(CC) -o gmic_bool.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_bool $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS) gmic_uchar.o: gmic.cpp  $(CC) -o gmic_uchar.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_uchar $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS) gmic_char.o: gmic.cpp  $(CC) -o gmic_char.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_char $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS) gmic_ushort.o: gmic.cpp  $(CC) -o gmic_ushort.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_ushort $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS) gmic_short.o: gmic.cpp  $(CC) -o gmic_short.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_short $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS) gmic_uint.o: gmic.cpp  $(CC) -o gmic_uint.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_uint $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS) gmic_int.o: gmic.cpp  $(CC) -o gmic_int.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_int $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS) gmic_float.o: gmic.cpp  $(CC) -o gmic_float.o -c gmic.cpp -Dgmic_main -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_float $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS) gmic_double.o: gmic.cpp  $(CC) -o gmic_double.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_double $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS)    gmic: gmic_bool.o gmic_uchar.o gmic_char.o gmic_ushort.o gmic_short.o gmic_uint.o gmic_int.o gmic_float.o gmic_double.o gmic_def.h  $(CC) -o $(EXEPFX)gmic -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation \  gmic_bool.o gmic_uchar.o gmic_char.o gmic_ushort.o gmic_short.o \  gmic_uint.o gmic_int.o gmic_float.o gmic_double.o $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS) $(CONF_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)    gmic_minimal:  $(CC) -o $(EXEPFX)gmic gmic.cpp -Dgmic_main -Dgmic_float_only -Dcimg_build -Dcimg_use_fftw3 -Dcimg_use_png -Dcimg_display=1 -I/usr/X11R6/include -g -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lpthread -lfftw3 -lpng -lz    ifeq ($(STRIP_EXE),true)  strip $(EXEPFX)gmic endif    # Linux/BSD/Mac OSX targets, with X11 display. linux:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_ANSI_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_VT100_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_X11_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XSHM_CFLAGS)" \ "CONF_LDFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_X11_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XSHM_LDFLAGS)" \ all    dlinux:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_ANSI_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_DEBUG_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_VT100_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_X11_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XSHM_CFLAGS)" \ "CONF_LDFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_X11_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XSHM_LDFLAGS)" \ all    olinux:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_ANSI_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_VT100_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_X11_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XSHM_CFLAGS)" \ "CONF_LDFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_X11_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XSHM_LDFLAGS)" \ "STRIP_EXE=true" \ all    mlinux:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_ANSI_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_NODISPLAY_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS)" \ "STRIP_EXE=true" \ all    Mlinux:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_VT100_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_X11_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XSHM_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XRANDR_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_TIFF_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_MINC2_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_EXR_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_PNG_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_JPEG_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_ZLIB_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_OPENCV_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_MAGICK_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_FFTW3_CFLAGS)" \ "CONF_LDFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_X11_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XSHM_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XRANDR_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_TIFF_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_MINC2_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_EXR_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_PNG_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_JPEG_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_ZLIB_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_OPENCV_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_MAGICK_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_FFTW3_LDFLAGS)" \ "STRIP_EXE=true" \ all $(CIMG_EXTRA_FILES)    # Sun Solaris targets, with X11 display. solaris:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_ANSI_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_VT100_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_X11_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XSHM_CFLAGS)" \ "CONF_LDFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_SOLARIS_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_X11_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XSHM_LDFLAGS)" \ all    dsolaris:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_ANSI_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_DEBUG_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_VT100_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_X11_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XSHM_CFLAGS)" \ "CONF_LDFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_SOLARIS_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_X11_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XSHM_LDFLAGS)" \ all    osolaris:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_ANSI_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_VT100_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_X11_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XSHM_CFLAGS)" \ "CONF_LDFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_SOLARIS_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_X11_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XSHM_LDFLAGS)" \ "STRIP_EXE=true" \ all    msolaris:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_ANSI_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_NODISPLAY_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS)" \ "STRIP_EXE=true" \ all    Msolaris:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_VT100_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_X11_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XSHM_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XRANDR_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_TIFF_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_MINC2_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_EXR_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_PNG_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_JPEG_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_ZLIB_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_OPENCV_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_MAGICK_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_FFTW3_CFLAGS)" \ "CONF_LDFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_SOLARIS_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_X11_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XSHM_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_XRANDR_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_TIFF_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_MINC2_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_EXR_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_PNG_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_JPEG_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_ZLIB_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_OPENCV_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_MAGICK_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_FFTW3_LDFLAGS)" \ "STRIP_EXE=true" \ all $(CIMG_EXTRA_FILES)    # MacOsX targets, with X11 display. macosx:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(PROFILE) \ $(PROFILE2) \ $(CIMG_ANSI_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_VT100_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_X11_CFLAGS)" \ "CONF_LDFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_X11_LDFLAGS)" \ all    dmacosx:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_ANSI_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_DEBUG_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_VT100_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_X11_CFLAGS)" \ "CONF_LDFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_X11_LDFLAGS)" \ all    omacosx:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_ANSI_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_VT100_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_X11_CFLAGS)" \ "CONF_LDFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_X11_LDFLAGS)" \ all    mmacosx:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_ANSI_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_NODISPLAY_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS)" \ all    Mmacosx:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_VT100_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_X11_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_TIFF_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_MINC2_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_EXR_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_PNG_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_JPEG_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_ZLIB_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_OPENCV_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_MAGICK_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_FFTW3_CFLAGS)" \ "CONF_LDFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_X11_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_TIFF_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_MINC2_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_EXR_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_PNG_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_JPEG_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_ZLIB_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_OPENCV_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_MAGICK_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_FFTW3_LDFLAGS)" \ all $(CIMG_EXTRA_FILES)    # Windows targets, with GDI32 display. windows:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = " \ "CONF_LDFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_GDI32_LDFLAGS)" \ all    dwindows:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_DEBUG_CFLAGS)" \ "CONF_LDFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_GDI32_LDFLAGS)" \ all    owindows:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS)" \ "CONF_LDFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_GDI32_LDFLAGS)" \ "STRIP_EXE=true" \ all    mwindows:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_NODISPLAY_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS)" \ "STRIP_EXE=true" \ all    Mwindows:  @$(MAKE) \ "CONF_CFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_TIFF_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_PNG_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_JPEG_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_ZLIB_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_OPENCV_CFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_FFTW3_CFLAGS)" \ "CONF_LDFLAGS = \ $(CIMG_GDI32_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_TIFF_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_PNG_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_JPEG_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_ZLIB_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_OPENCV_LDFLAGS) \ $(CIMG_FFTW3_LDFLAGS)" \ "STRIP_EXE=true" \ all $(CIMG_EXTRA_FILES)    #----------------- # End of makefile #-----------------  </pre></big> == Build Instructions == make <platform> eg: macosx, linux etc.
=== Assignment 2 ===
=== Assignment 3 ===