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Implementing the Mouse Lock API in Firefox

38 bytes added, 03:09, 10 December 2011
Tests: Added test_fullscreen.html to requirements 6,7,8. Added notes to test_fullscreen.html
|<s>islocked() returns true if mouse is locked, false if not locked</s>
|<s>lock(target) expects a DOM element, and takes two optional callbacks: successcallback, failurecallback.</s>
|<s>lock() should return immediately and call callbacks when lock succeeds or fails</s>
* northWind Notes:
** runTests()Lines 70, 51: isnot() test condition tests should lie in a be moved into failure callback on lock, not on the line after pointer.lock()callbacks** mozFullScreen-Listener/mozFullScreen=true/Line 41: test should be moved into success callback