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Team J Joy - oop344 20111

720 bytes added, 16:35, 18 April 2011
== tasks ==
=== Console UI Core classes R5.0(continued) ===
=== Console UI Core classes R4.0(continued) ===
* taged but still need to fix bugs
=== Console UI Core classes R3.5(completed) ===
* merge the code for Cframe and CFiled from branches\fardad\FrameFieldStrarr into your project and complie, run and test it with Test1Fram.cpp
=== Console UI Core classes R3.5(completed) ===
* merge the bio additions to your bio.c and bio.h
* Add all the files for mock-up classes
1. create .h and .cpp file for all classes
2. the name of the file is all lower case and is the same as class name (i.e CFrame class: cframe.h and cframe.cpp)
3. copy the class definitions into .h files
4. create mock-up methods for the class defs
=== void bio_displayflag ===