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Team B IRC Logs 20103 - OOP344

13,859 bytes added, 01:00, 2 December 2010
New log for Dec1
<p>'''-Dec1Nov31, 2010'''</p>
Channel view for “#rep3” opened.
i'll talk to you guys tomorrow, have a good night !!!
<p>'''-Dec1, 2010'''</p>
Channel view for “#rep3” opened.
YOU (obogomaz) have joined #rep3
kmcdonald11 ( has joined #rep3
oh, hey! sorry. i didn't realize you guys came online
i did send out a copy of dbs - completed unless i interpretted the last question wrong
ya jus ignore my other msgs
well it said to show X and Y.. i didn't know if he wanted it both in one select statement or seperate
and idk.. i did it the way i though
cool, can i ask who is workin on what for oop!?
i think we should run t1-6 first and see what issues remain :)
i'm going to go grab it all now
iol.6b is all the recent stuff?
umm thats my stuff
grab iol.6
read the svn log :)
not really, i have borders drawing for tests 3 and 5
im going thru the classes fixing random crap
looking into exit for check now
i'm just wondering where i should grab files from :P
half from iol.6 and half from iol.6b?
haha im trying to put the 2 codes together
cause when the borders were fixed with .6 other things were messing up
borders are fixed in just updated border and linedit in iol.6 to make borders print correctly in tests 3 and 5
wuts fixed?
i'll start from iol.6 then? and try and see what's left to work on
for t3, the border around the edit comes up but if you try and move it, it doesn't refresh. the editing also seems buggy if you get near the end of the line.. it jumps around and makes you press things twice. idk, we can leave that til the end
so far, that's the only thing i've found
moving onto the next test now
t4's issues are that the top+left corner label doesn't draw anymore, and it also doesn't refresh when you toggle display. it's still missing the borders around the buttons
doesn't clear when u push f1 or escape
we should make a list of bugs
for t4? f1 doesn't work for me, but esc does
my t6's radio button is still bugged
that's all i found
a few of them are missing the top+left labels now too
oh man.. so i just used fardad's tester for t6, and his radio button doesn't toggle. i guess it's not a bug?
thats the point of a radio button
can only change it to another radio button
awesome. alright, so bugs are: 1) 1st label isn't displaying, 2) screen isn't refreshing in t3 and t4 when moving/toggling, 3) f1 isn't escaping t4, 4) misc containers around things aren't displaying still, and t5) popup window is drawing border in the wrong spot
window is fine
well i mean
the txt is off
really? haha, in mine, the text shows in the right spot but the border is showing half off the screen
well compare it to the teachers test
cause i thought thats wut was wrong untill i saw his test and noticed the popup was down and to the right
is it actually half off the screen? lol
mine is, but if i open the terminal to be larger, it's like fardad's. so then it's the text that's not getting the positioning. i'll add that to the list
also down arrow busted jus a bit
appears to be working fine for mine :s
i made a list of known bugs on wiki to refrence
ones that are bugs for both of us
u sure?
test 5, push escape
push up, then push down
ahh, no, when i do that sequence i get the error
i'm going to take a look at t5's text and try and align it with the border
k im working on the down arrow
i'm looking into why left top lable is not drawing anymore
i am having no luck here
as soon as the border is drawn, the cursor is in the right place.. it then moves out to the weird spot. i'm slowly narrowing down the source, i believe
but yeah, it's slow
updated border and dialog into iol.6... borders draw ok now, on moving dialog refreshing ok now and top left label draws ok, f2 exits now as well...
going to work on esc key in test 6
it's not working roght?!
i meant right?!
hmm.. oleg, in border did you just make one of the drawing loops to:
y=1; y < _height-1; y++
or has it always started at 1?
because border seems to be a little off for t5 now, so i figured i'd try and fix that before trying to solve the alignment thing
ignore that question. seems to be somthing else causing it
i did change it because the border was drawing one more character in height. If you count the number of height lines in tester on matrix it's 13, i believe, and we had 14...because of that the inner border was coming out one line higher...
i have test 5 all ok, except that offset issue on help and exit's gotta be that _data + _offset in draw and edit in linedit that's causing it
still looking for that esc in test6
i think it's being passed the wrong row/col to draw on. lineedit just calls iol_draw, which is making it show up in the off spot. i'm trying to figure it out still but no luck tracing where they're coming from
perhaps _offset is what's causing the column to be off.. but there's still about 5 in height that's missing from somewhere
not sure, i just figured since we never implemented it...could be anything at this point...
ahh, Jimmy...had to change iol.c to make esc work in test6...
remember that isFunctionKey function...???
remember how i was telling you not all function keys are >
all fixed up now...test6 looks good
man i need new keyboard
from what i can tell, it's drawing the things at the wrong container's absRow+row and absCol+col.. if that makes sense. it appears to be taking the values from the name container and adding the specified row/col to that instead of taking the new dialog box
i believe it's because in the test, the help dialog box isn't created unless you actually hit help, and i think it's throwing it off
i'm so slow at this
may be, couldn't find the issue in the whole eve's gotta be something major
slow at?
trying to solve this
takes me forever
what sort of changes did you have to make in order to get the container showing in some situations? perhaps we're no passing a container somewhere and that's why it's using a previous one
same here, takes me forever
whhat's with the button?!
button's container's haven't shown up ever, lol
the container is passing fine, i believe, it does show the borders
my button crashes once i run that what you have too?!
nope.. must be different versions :( mine runs, it's just the container doesn't show when you toggle it on
works fine other than that
where can i get that version!?
i can look at it now if that's ok?!
sure. i'm working on the files in kmcdonald11/testing.4/debug6
can i take the button from there?!
i believe it's a copy of the one that i got out of iol.6 earlier
i haven't changed anything in it
i thought i had that copy, let me take it out again
ok, got fresh copy out off trunk, so just the border and shifting on f10?!
any idea why test on matrix is not working either?!
got the borders drawing around the buttons, but the alignment is also off...must be an issue somewhere else...
for alignment, do you mean when you toggle the border on, the text moves?
i really have no idea as to why t5's popup text is so far off. i don't know why it's sending weird numbers to iol_display
i wish fardad would come online :(
updated iol.6 ... new border.cpp and button.cpp ... test6 for button fixed as far as i can see...
if the popup window thing is all that needs fixing, i say we move onto test 7
i'm getting nowhere with it
sorry Kaitlyn, i have no idea either...i spent forever looking for it yesterday and today...worst comes to worst we leave it for now...
btw, i think we should tag whatever we have by tonight...Fadad did say he postponed the due date till tonight
yeah, tag by 12 for sure. so t7 it is!
since fardad hasn't helped us with any questions yet, he can solve that one :)
what is the issue with 7, never looked at it yet...except for testing once
working on draw
where have u's all your fault
working on text
remember isFunctionKey function...???
never mind, i was just joking...Where are you at with Text?!
What issue do you want me to look into?!
anything ud like
lemme commit my crap
after you're don, let me know. i'm going to put a new copy of some .h files that didn't have the safeguard
or i'll just watch the wesite to check
sorry i haven't been any help for t7 yet.. i can't even get mine to compile just yet. i've tried like 5 times now :P i'll rebranch and start fresh
not much help from me either, no idea what is going on here...
i just grabbed all from trunk and i still can't compile :l now i'm worried
wowww, now i see
fwbutton.cpp in trunk has the whole file twice in side of it
halfway down, it starts all over again
or i just didn't update
in label.cpp's source, the very last function (set) has
iol_movecur(2,2); iol_prnstr((char*)str);
we'll have to take that out before we tag
i think i was using that for debugging earlier
sorry ya
i took that out awhile ago
this text is bein a pain
i could not compile that iol.6 solution as well, i just made a new one...
so should i make a new file with updated code or someone is already on it!?
the problem with iol.6 is button.cpp. if you open it, halfway through the file, it starts all over again :P that, and removing the print in label.cpp's set function
u mean test 6?
oh, no the files in iol.6 at the moment
they don't compile, but those are the reasons why
might be my bad...sorry
still could not compile it from the beginning...
so are you checking all of the test now, Kaitlyn or should i...we have so many changes to so many files, i would not be surprised if some of the stuff would not work
o ok my bad
i'll start going through them now and upload what i have
wut test doesn't it compile with?
ok, thanks. just let us know where you put them so we can see what else to do...
o doesn't compile with test 6
test 7 is all screwed up...
no shit lol
it's ok, Kaitlyn is on it...!!!
i cant even get down to work
i know the prob
thats why im asking
label and check
lavbel remove iol_movecur in the set like kaitlyn had said
and fwcheck
void* FWCheck::data(){
return (void*)_flag;
void* FWCheck::data(){
return &_flag;
there commited
no idea what you are talking's done in mine already...
not in trunk
well now it is
are we all working on the same the trunk....!?
all i did was change a line of code for test 6 not to crasy
i just branched the current iol.6 to my files, ran and tested all but 7
and it's fine
minus the popup dialog
perfect can you please tag it
iol.6 at revision 391
i'm going to tag it iol.6 too.. that's what the website says. i don't know where .5 went to
i think it should 0.6
oh, yes
same dif
there, it's in there
perfect, we still have to finish it no matter what...according to Fardad
:( and here i was excited to be done with it
well whatever the app is for it is not going to work, so he said it's either pass or incomplete...
not too thrilled about it
it's getting there, just a little slower than Fardad said it
3 hours for Dialog
3 for Text
hopefully he'll be willing to help us with it
i”l be going, have a good night guys, i'll see you all tomorrow...Jimmy sleep on some ideas for sys presentation....