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Team Mutalisk

No change in size, 00:15, 30 September 2010
Wed, Sept 29 @ 9:00pm
<tdot> do we even know what we are doing in gam666
<northWind> well
<northWind> the last idea we all seemed to agree on was like a rolling ball puzzle game
<tdot> yes
<tdot> that sounds good
<northWind> ok
<ljubo> so you don't see the whole maze
<CloudScorpion> just throwing this out there, does this proposal have to our plans for the framework changes y/n?
<tdot> yes
<northWind> so maybe you can apply force on the board and you can tilt the board?
<tdot> thats ljubo's idea i liked
<tdot> if its kinda like 3rd person following the ball
<ljubo> like
<ljubo> "I've been down there before and it was a dead end"
<ljubo> "I recognize that object - I'll try going right this time instead of left"
<northWind> hmmm i may not like the idea of more than very few objects
<northWind> and thats just because we don't have time to make models
<tdot> like traps you can fall into
<ljubo> it would be like you are walking through a maze/labrinth
<northWind> in the original idea w/ a tilting board, the idea is to avoid obstacles and to avoid falling off board or falling into holes
<northWind> yeah
<northWind> so
<northWind> how about this
<northWind> how much screen space will ball occupy
<tdot> if we are going to add some pixel shader support it shouldn't be too hard to make the ball reflective
<northWind> well
<northWind> we can pretty it up
<tdot> well
<tdot> maybe
<northWind> so like tilted to one side and the bottom side would have no walls or something
<tdot> thats gonna increase the difficulty of coding it
<northWind> hmmm true
<tdot> and some very simple 2d physics
<tdot> if you start designing curves and tilted areas
<tdot> youre gonna need to start coding 3d collision detection and 3d physics
<ljubo> one thing I like about this idea in general
<ljubo> is that we can set some very simple mile-stones
<tdot> lol yeah
<tdot> into a simple, workable, polished game
<ljubo> northWind: we can have a wish-list of features that we can implement after we hit the first mile-stone
<northWind> lol polished? rujoking?
<tdot> no
<tdot> i think it would be actually easier to polish the game
<northWind> ljubo: wishlist is a good idea, lets not go crazy tho
<ljubo> no need to go crazy… we hit the 1st mile-stone, see how much time we have left, decide what is the next thingwe should try, and keep adjusting the wishlist based on what seems realistic - and keep reevaluating as we go - but always
setting achievable mile-stones along the way.
<tdot> then to attempt to make curves/hills
<northWind> ljubo: indeed
<tdot> northWind: not really
<northWind> ljubo: I got the pics/slideshow, do you want to do the informal desc?
<tdot> the *game* has to be 3d
<tdot> the map and physics and collision doesnt have to be
<tdot> thats sort of the point
<tdot> so we can end up with something polished
<CloudScorpion> lol, you kids seem to be chatting it up just fine, I'm cooking dinner :p
<tdot> something that looks and plays decent
<ljubo> northWind: sure I can do the proposal
<tdot> if we attempt to make '3d gameplay' we will end up with a nice prototype of a very shitty 3d engine <northWind> tdot: like what im saying is, how do you do w/ only 2d math with a game that involves a ball rolling on a
board thats tilting in 3 dimensions?
<tdot> lol
<tdot> simple
<tdot> just increase the balls velocity by the direction its being tilted <northWind> ljubo: k cool, so lets work based on that, use the ideas that we developed here, do you approve of them?
<northWind> ???
<northWind> tdot: it needs to fall off board
* ljubo aproves
<tdot> and the map would be a 2d grid of tiles, with special tiles for 3d
<ljubo> I will copy the irc chat and draft proposal tonight
<tdot> northWind: yep, when it hits a tile it can fall off of (which is a simple 2d calculation) it can fall thru
<ljubo> I'll email it to all
<ljubo> and tomorrow you can comment
<ljubo> and I'll have it ready by early afternoon
<ljubo> is that ok, or do we need it done for class?
<northWind> tdot: and what about when the board is like tilted 15 degrees and the ball needs to accumulate
velocity in the direction the board is tilted?
<tdot> lol
<tdot> what?
<tdot> you honestly cant figure out how to do that in 2d?
<ljubo> ok - then do you trust me to do it right without any suggested revisions from group?
<northWind> ljubo: yes I do, I don't see how it can turn out badly
<tdot> how exactly does tilting it 15 degrees affect the height of the ball *at all*
<northWind> ljubo: I'll be up long tonight, email whenever
<ljubo> northWind: cool - I'll do that ;)
<northWind> it is shitty
<tdot> and yeah, thats 2d
<northWind> what I was thinking about is a game w/ like multiple z levels in some places
<northWind> like you have to drop from one to another
<tdot> lol yeah
<tdot> lol does it?
<northWind> im pretty sure they have 3d collision
<northWind> and in any case, chris said hes giving us collision detection I believe so I don't have to do it
<tdot> meh
<tdot> for now, lets aim for the first one
<tdot> i guess if doing one like the 2nd is possible is really completely up to what he gives us with the framework
<northWind> alright Im cool w/ that
<northWind> ljubo: get all that?