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Team Mighty Morphin Coding Rangers - OOP344

1,057 bytes added, 16:43, 4 February 2010
Issues - Logged about testing and committing my code
<strike>I am running into this error "Error E2209 biof.c 32: Unable to open include file 'conio.h'". Know a way to fix this?</strike> Fixed!
Feb 4, 2010 - Committed my bio_rows to trunk. I ran into a few troubles while compiling, the biggest being Borland. Never used this compiler before. The frustrating part, after fixing all of my mistakes, is forgetting to take note of what went wrong so that I know how to fix it in the future. However, as far as I can recall, some of the biggest problems were:
<li>Having to include -IC:\Borland\BCC55\Include \LC:\Borland\BCC55\Lib during compilation.
<li>Empty parameters in the function prototypes (in biof.h) actually needed the word "void" rather than just leaving them empty. (I just checked the function prototypes in the biof.c file, and some of them <i>are</i> empty. However, fixing just the .h file was enough). For some reason, they're as good as being not prototyped.
There was something hinky about visual c++, too, but I forget now. I'll keep it in mind for next time. <br/>
As for the actual coding, I forgot that the word "struct" has to be included when creating a struct. (<code>struct text_info x;</code>).
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