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GPU621/Intel Advisor

405 bytes added, 22:16, 27 November 2018
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== Annotations ==
Annotations can be inserted into your code to help design the potential parallelization for analysis. This way of designing multi threading prevents early error in the code's design to build up and cause slower performance then expected. This does not impact the design of your current code as the compiler ignores the annotations (they're only there to help model your design). This provides you with the ability to keep your code serial and prevents the bugs that can come from multiple threading while in your design phase.
== Scalability Analysis ==
Enables the evaluation of the performance and Scalability scalability of the various threading designs. This helps with identifying The evaluation of the number of CPU's versus the Grain-size provides an easy to follow results on the impact of overhead. lock contention and load imbalances the common bottle necks found in all multi threading code when running attempting to scale up a project without the need to test it on different hard-waremultiple high end machines yourself.
== Dependencies Report ==
The threading advisor's dependencies report works similar to the vectorization's. It will provide information on the data dependency errors a programmer encounters when parallelizing code including data-sharing, deadlocks, and races. The report also displays code snippets it finds is related to the dependency errorsyou can then follow these code snippets to their exact location and begin handling the errors on a case by case basis.