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OPS435 Python Lab 1

79 bytes added, 08:49, 8 March 2017
Part 2 - Setting Up Your Linux Environment For OPS435 Labs
'''Perform the following steps:'''
#Lets start installing applications we need, first Python version 3 and version 2.:<source>
dnf install python3 python2 # Install python3.5 and python2.7
hostnamectl set-hostname fedora24 # Set hostname to distribution-name
 #Installing vim(Vi IMproved) will give us syntax highlighting and allow for advanced customization for terminal editing.:<presource>
dnf install vim-common vim-enhanced # Install vim
</presource#Python pip is a package manager specifically for Python. While it is usually not recommended to install software outside of dnf or yum, sometimes the only way to get a specific or latest version will be through pip. :<presource>
dnf install python-pip python3-pip # Install pip
</presource><br><Br> Git is a version control system that allows you to track any changes made to files and programs. The benefit to using git is primarily found when it's used with multiple people, sharing and working on code together. While that is not how we will be using it in this course, you may find some benefits in using it for managing multiple versions of the same program or for backing up your code onto the internet. Check out bitbucket for a free private code repository.<br><br>#Issue the following command to install git:<presource>
dnf install git # Install git command line tool
</presource#IPython will be one of the tools we will use the most. Lets install it. You will learn more about it in the next section.:<presource>
dnf install python-ipython python3-ipython # Install enhanced interactive python
==Part 2 - Lab Check lab0b ==