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Sigul Signing Server Setup

105 bytes removed, 13:59, 11 June 2015
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bridge-hostname: # Put Place sigul bridge hostname here
bridge-hostname: # Place bridge hostname here<BRIDGE HOSTNAME>
server-hostname: # Place server hostname here<SERVER HOSTNAME>
user-name: # Place your sigul <Sigul username here if it's different from your Linux login>
* If you wish to avoid entering an NSS password upon issuing each command, add the following lines:
nss-password: <Your NSS PASSPASSWORD>
5) After configuring your client, issue a test client command in DEBUG mode as follows:
#########End certificate imports########
###########NSS password Saver##saver###########
read -p "Would you like to save your nss pass to ~/.sigul/client.conf [y/n]: " nsspasssel
#########User Input conditional#########
if [ $nsspasssel == "y" -o $nsspasssel == "Y" ]; then
echo "Enter your NSS password One more time: "

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