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OPS335 Archiving Lab

1 byte added, 17:55, 20 December 2012
Corrected another command
yum -y install mailx
*Now, still as root on f17, use the command 'crontab -e' to edit root's cron table. Insert the following line:(Instead of the IP Address "", use the IP address of your vm01)
55 * * * * /usr/bin/rsync -avz /backup/etc vm01
*At 55 minutes past the hour rsync should synchronize the /etc/ directory of vm01 to the /backup/vm01/etc/ directory on f17. If this time has passed and you don't want to wait an hour for the next time rsync runs, just edit root's cron table on f17 and enter another time for the backup to take place.
*You should convince yourself that /etc/ is being backed up by adding some file (say 'touch /etc/junk' on vm01) to /etc and then see if it was indeed copied to f17.

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