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OOP344 Hasselhoff

Revision as of 22:17, 11 November 2009 by Cwdesautels (talk | contribs) (How To Use Svn)

Team Hasselhoff


As you can see we've been given our svn usernames for the repository. I have the master sheet of all the passwords so please E-Mail me Just give me what username you are and I will send you the password for the account.

Sorry if this is confusing but since we are in three seperate classes this is the best option that I could come up with. ~ Matthew Daniels

OOP344 Teams
Last Name Name Seneca Username Section Blog Url IRC Nick Repository Usernames Current Task
Daniels Matthew mddaniels B - CDNPadawan ops344_093svn81 -
Desautels Carl cwdesautels A Blog [Carl89] ops344_093svn82 -
Selby Remington rselby B Blog rselby ops344_093svn83 -
Young Oliver oyoung4 C Oliver's Blog oyoung4 ops344_093svn84 -
Seow Yip Lim ylseow C Yip's Blog YupYipYo ops344_093svn85 -
Simmalavong Niki nsimmalavong C Niki's Blog nsimmalavong ops344_093svn86 -
Faria-Seerattan Matthew mfaria-seerattan B Matthew's Blog - ops344_093svn87 -
Galano Stefano sugalano B Stefano's Blog S_Galano ops344_093svn88 -

Completed Tasks

To Do List

IRC Meetings

How To Use Svn