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FSOSS 2011/Meetings/2011-05-12

40 bytes added, 12:08, 19 September 2011
Action Points: September 14 meeting
Attendees: Mary Lynn, John, Mark, Sammy, Paulette, M. Malarski
* Distinguished speaker update --> '''schedule 15 minutes as an opening welcome?'''
* Update on sponsorship
* Registration status
:: - approximately 15 registrations received to-date
:: - outstanding from August meeting: how to handle those that are unable to pay '''MLM''' to ask Danny if the following can be added to registration page "If financial assistance is required to register for FSOSS/Linuxfest 2011, please contact". Not sure if registration email address is correct. This will include creating a new email address or possibly using the exisiting 'registration' email address. '''Done''':: - AndroidTO coupon '''John''' to talk to Danny about doing this. '''Done'''
:: - SecTor '''not resolved - to be further discussed at next meeting'''
:: - Unconference Responsibility '''outstanding - need a volunteer to coordinate this'''
:: - videoing talks '''. MLM''' to ask Raymond Chan if he will do again this year. '''Done'''
:: - investigate lanyards and name badge holders '''MLM'''
:: - Meeting with AndroidTO held and both Sammy and John attended.
::: - need to get the Open Source Week website updated '''. MLM''' to contact Chris Tyler about updating web page with this years events. '''Chris contacted.'''
::: - Agreed that we would exchange logos with each other to advertise our events '''John''' to arrange sending our logo and getting theirs. '''MLM''' will get webmaster to update fsoss site.
::: - Mass mailing to be sent to fsoss attendees announcing AndroidTO event
::: - John has asked them to consider sending speakers. Nothing as of yet.
::: - A 4-5 point write up about our event to be provided to AndroidTO. '''MLM''' to do write up, John to provide to them. '''JohnDone''' to provide to them.
'''Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 28th 6-9pm in CDOT Boardroom (same place as usual).''' I vote for pizza again.