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Assignment 1 (yshen6)

780 bytes added, 20:10, 15 September 2006
Steps to Complete the build
Login to Log into the mozilla CVS by anonymous<br/>
Problem2 – failed: connection refused (only at school’s computer)<br/>
Checkout the build script:
C:\proj> cvs co mozilla/browser/config mozilla/
Cvs checkout: Updating mozilla/browser/config
U mozilla/
This create some files in C:\proj\mozilla<br/>
Move into mozilla directory and create a file .mozconfig
c:\proj\mozilla> touch .mozconfig
open .mozconfig, copy and paste the given code(from David's website).
# Building Firefox Trunk with Debugging
. $topsrcdir/browser/config/mozconfig
# Put all obj files in one place, not in src tree
mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@TOPSRCDIR@/firefox-objdir
ac_add_options --disable-static
ac_add_options --enable-shared
# Debug Build Setup Options
ac_add_options --disable-optimize
ac_add_options --enable-debug
# I'm using Canvas for my work
ac_add_options --enable-canvas

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