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OSTEP Infrastructure

22 bytes removed, 15:35, 23 September 2013
Backup Host Configuration
# backup user created on all computers
# backup user must be able to ssh without a password from any computer to any other as backup user
# backup user must have sudo access with the nopasswd option on the rsync program and tar program(Security risk! Giving rsync sudo access allows backup user to modify any file.)visudo:<pre>backup ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync, /bin/tar</pre>
# root user must be able to ssh to all backup users from any computer(This is annoying, trying to find a way around this.)
# add custom users such as koji to work with ssh no password to all backup users, give root access to koji user in the same way
# WARNING, make sure you disable the passwords on all these backup accounts, that way they can't log in and get access to root without a private key
# IMPORTANT - visudo on each machine you connect would like to connect to:<pre>Defaults:backup !requiretty</pre>
otherwise sudo will complain about not having a tty
This list of configurations, that need to be done to each computer, is annoying and could be done better. Currently looking for ways to change it. After these configurations are made, you can use this host in any backup schedule.

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