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September 19, 2013

2,231 bytes added, 16:06, 20 September 2013
no edit summary
==== 1. Sponsorship ====
:: * No luck so far identifying the past Lead Person. '''Brian ''' will talk to: Doreen (?) and Tim McKenna:: * Discussed briefly the idea of using the Co-op List to find sponsors. The feeling was that this was "too close to spam".:: * So far, we have identified the following sponsors:
:::* Seneca
:::* NSERC
==== 2. Food & Drinks ====
===== ::: Beer =====:: :* Brian thinks that Sleeman will provide beer without any issues. '''Action: Brian''':: :* Daman is working on the license. She believes that they need 30 day notification. The application needs to be prepared and signed by Evan today (Thurs. Sep 19) - '''Action: Daman'''===== ::: Food =====:: :* Daman got the menus for all events, now only needs the final number of people. The orders need to be placed 2 weeks before the event (by Oct 9)- '''Action: Daman'''
==== 3. Communication & Registration ====
:::* Daman contacted JP but it turned out that he didn't have password to access the database
:::* Chris found 2012 data (used for name tags) but it would be good to have records from the last 3-4 years
:::* '''Action: Hans ''' to ask the new web-master about a book of passwords.
::* FSOSS Site Update - the target date is Wed, Sept 25. Need info on: speakers, presentations and more stuff on the event sponsors
::* Posters - Poster were printed and posted in the SEQ building. '''Evan ''' will take some posters to Newnham. '''Ralph ''' will do the same for Markham.::* '''Yoav ''' will work with Hans on sending Evite to various places on the web to promote FSOSS (after the website is updated).::* '''Hans''' is working on getting info about FSOSS into "Seneca News&Events" 
==== 4. Volunteers ====
:: * Signup site is up and running::* '''Cathy''' to send a blurb about volunteers to '''Daman''' to post on the ICT website
==== 5. Swag & Prizes ====
:: * Mike Hoye will design t-shirts (should be ready by Monday). We'll use Orders for t-shirts (as well all other swag items) need to be placed 2 weeks before the event.::* We'll also get stickers and water bottles. There is possibility to get some sponsor swag.::* Prizes - from Adafruit::* Volunteer shirts - typically they are updated every other year (they last two years they were red). Action: '''Cathy''' to check if we have any left.::* Hans thinks that Seneca Rec Centre might give us some swag.
==== 6. Technical Content ====
:: * Presentation schedule is almost full. There are a few spots left::* Still no keynote speaker. Chris is waiting for a few more people to reply.::* Discussed an idea by Anthony Austin who wants to do a video link with some people in the Netherlands. Doesn't seem to be a good idea considering network issues. Better to tape it before hand and play during the presentation.::* John wants to contact people in ... ??? ... (didn't catch it, please help me here) and see if someone from that group would want to present. Everybody thought it was a great idea.::: Robot Comptetition::::* John asked if we can/should give a special deal to Seneca's students taking part in the competition. Chris felt that this might not be a good idea since they are getting: t-shirts, water bottles, food.::::* Prizes - don't know yet what they will be. Cash (in the form of gift certificates or pre-paid Visa) seem to be the way to go.::::* Problem with the robotics alias (doesn't go anywhere at the moment). '''Action:''' Not sure who is looking into this (Chris ? Cathy ? ...)
==== 7. Infrastructure ====
::* All rooms are booked. Daman verified that our event is not interfering with the night school.::* Evan and John have been playing tag with Rick (Facilities). Rick wants to do a walk-through together with Evan or John. ==== 8. General Project Management ====::* '''Daman''' to present an update on the budget next Thursday  '''Next Meeting: '''Thursday, Sept. 26, 1:30pm in T1030

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