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This page should be used for all OSTEP Infrastructure. Explaining the standard operating procedure of all tools, configuration, and programs.
= Pidora Repos =
* The Pidora Repositories are hosted at: http://pidora.ca/pidora/
== Symbolic Link Setup ==
=== Mash Repos ===
├── mash.log
├── pidora-18
│ ├── armhfp
│ └── source
├── pidora-18-rpfr-updates
│ ├── armhfp
│ └── SRPMS
├── pidora-18-rpfr-updates-testing
│ ├── armhfp
│ └── SRPMS
├── pidora-18-updates
│ ├── armhfp
│ └── SRPMS
└── pidora-18-updates-testing
├── armhfp
=== Pidora main repo sym links ===
├── armhfp
│ ├── debug -> ~/pidora-rsync/mash/pidora-18-latest/pidora-18/armhfp/debug
│ └── os -> ~/pidora-rsync/mash/pidora-18-latest/pidora-18/armhfp/os
└── source
└── SRPMS -> ~/pidora-rsync/mash/pidora-18-latest/pidora-18/source/SRPMS
=== Pidora updates repo sym links ===
├── rpfr-updates
│ ├── 18
│ │ ├── armhfp ->~/pidora-rsync/mash/pidora-18-latest/pidora-18-rpfr-updates/armhfp/
│ │ └── SRPMS ->~/pidora-rsync/mash/pidora-18-latest/pidora-18-rpfr-updates/SRPMS/
│ └── testing
│ └── 18
│ ├── armhfp ->~/pidora-rsync/mash/pidora-18-latest/pidora-18-rpfr-updates-testing/armhfp/
│ └── SRPMS ->~/pidora-rsync/mash/pidora-18-latest/pidora-18-rpfr-updates-testing/SRPMS/
└── updates
├── 18
│ ├── armhfp ->~/pidora-rsync/mash/pidora-18-latest/pidora-18-updates/armhfp/
│ └── SRPMS -> ~/pidora-rsync/mash/pidora-18-latest/pidora-18-updates/SRPMS/
└── testing
└── 18
├── armhfp ->~/pidora-rsync/mash/pidora-18-latest/pidora-18-updates-testing/armhfp/
└── SRPMS ->~/pidora-rsync/mash/pidora-18-latest/pidora-18-updates-testing/SRPMS/
= Ansible Builder Configuration Management =