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11,449 bytes removed, 16:45, 30 September 2013
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{{Admon/important| Warning! | This script has barely been tested as of this posting. May be riddled with bugs or may not function as expected.}}
= Pidora Update Source =
* This script was kinda rushed, probably need to go back over it and fix some things
** Complete testing of all functions in this script has not been completed
* To show/track which version is posted here
commit 7e5e19709b8ffb3f06ea7287da5a058445123fd3
Author: Andrew Oatley-Willis <>
Date: Fri Jun 28 11:46:44 2013 -0400
Bugs fixed
- Stop rsync if packages are unsigned
Added descriptions
- Added mash, sign, and rsync descriptions
- Output to show when a process has started and ended
* Source code of
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Andrew Oatley-Willis
# Multi-purpose tool written in python for linux
# This script will allow for a single safeguarded process to run: sigul, mash, and rsync to
# It will do a sanity check on everything that is happening and prevent manual errors that could occur
# Every configuration is customizable on the command line with well named options
import optparse
import pysftp
import sys
import urllib2
import getpass
import crypt
import random
import re
class tools:
def __init__(self):
# Default configuration values
sigulhost = "england"
mashhost = "japan"
rsynchost = ""
siguluser = "agreene"
mashuser = "root"
rsyncuser = "pidorapr"
mashdir = "/usr/local/bin/mash-pidora"
kojitags = ['f18-updates', 'f18-rpfr-updates', 'f18-updates-testing', 'f18-rpfr-updates-testing']
# Create command line options
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='Usage: %prog [options]')
parser.add_option('-i', '--info', help='check machine status and configuration', dest='status', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-a', '--all', help='sign, mash, rsync', dest='all', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-s', '--sign', help='sign all packages in listed tag', dest='sign', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-m', '--mash', help='start a mash run', dest='mash', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-r', '--rync', help='perform a rsync of the mash repos', dest='rsync', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-l', '--list-unsigned', help='list unsigned rpms', dest='listunsigned', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('--koji-tag', help='specify the koji tag to sign', dest='kojitag', default=False, action='store')
parser.add_option('--sigul-user', help='specify the user for sigul', dest='siguluser', default=siguluser, action='store', metavar=siguluser)
parser.add_option('--sigul-host', help='specify the host for sigul', dest='sigulhost', default=sigulhost, action='store', metavar=sigulhost)
parser.add_option('--mash-user', help='specify the user for mash', dest='mashuser', default=mashuser, action='store', metavar=mashuser)
parser.add_option('--mash-host', help='specify the host for mash', dest='mashhost', default=mashhost, action='store', metavar=mashhost)
parser.add_option('--rsync-user', help='specify the user for rsync', dest='rsyncuser', default=rsyncuser, action='store', metavar=rsyncuser)
parser.add_option('--rsync-host', help='specify the host for rsync', dest='rsynchost', default=rsynchost, action='store', metavar=rsynchost)
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
# Check number of arguments and check for option switches
if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0:
if opts.kojitag:
kojitags = [opts.kojitag]
if opts.sigulhost:
sigulhost = opts.sigulhost
if opts.mashhost:
mashhost = opts.mashhost
if opts.rsynchost:
rsynchost = opts.rsynchost
if opts.siguluser:
siguluser = opts.siguluser
if opts.mashuser:
mashuser = opts.mashuser
if opts.rsyncuser:
rsyncuser = opts.rsyncuser
# Create lists of successful and failed hosts
mhosts, mfail = self.get_status(mashhost, mashuser)
shosts, sfail = self.get_status(sigulhost, siguluser)
rhosts, rfail = self.get_status(rsynchost, rsyncuser)
hosts = mhosts + shosts + rhosts
fhosts = mfail + sfail + rfail
# Start the main tasks
if opts.status:
print '\nsigulhost = ' + sigulhost
print 'mashhost = ' + mashhost
print 'rsynchost = ' + rsynchost
print 'siguluser = ' + siguluser
print 'mashuser = ' + mashuser
print 'rsyncuser = ' + rsyncuser
print 'mashdir = ' + mashdir
print 'kojitags = ', kojitags
print '\nworking hosts: ', hosts
print 'failed hosts: ', fhosts
print ""
elif sigulhost not in hosts: # Check connection with sigul host
print 'Cannot connect to sigul: failed hosts: ', fhosts
elif opts.listunsigned:
for tag in kojitags:
print 'Unsigned packages: ' + tag
self.checksign(sigulhost, siguluser, tag)
elif opts.sign:
self.run_sign(sigulhost, siguluser, kojitags)
elif mashhost not in hosts: # Check connection with mash host
print 'Cannot connect to mash hosts: failed hosts: ', fhosts
elif opts.mash:
self.run_mash(mashhost, mashuser, kojitags, sigulhost, siguluser)
elif rsynchost not in hosts: # Check connection with rsync host
print 'Cannot connect to rsync hosts: failed hosts: ', fhosts
elif opts.rsync:
for tag in kojitags:
if self.checksign(sigulhost, siguluser, tag):
print 'Unsigned packages in: ' + tag
print 'Run script with options: --list-unsigned to see unsigned packages'
print '== Exiting due to unsigned packages =='
self.checkmash(mashhost, mashuser)
self.rsync(rsynchost, rsyncuser)
elif opts.everything:
self.run_sign(sigulhost, siguluser, kojitags)
self.run_mash(mashhost, mashuser, kojitags, sigulhost, siguluser)
self.rsync(rsynchost, rsyncuser)
# Call sign over multiple koji tags and ask only once for the password
def run_sign(self, sigulhost, siguluser, kojitags):
print '\n== Start: Sign run ==\n'
print 'Koji tags marked for signing:'
for tag in kojitags:
print tag.strip()
print '\nEnter sigul key passphrase:'
password = getpass.getpass()
for tag in kojitags:
self.sign(sigulhost, siguluser, tag, password)
print ""
# Call mash and check that all packages are signed
def run_mash(self, mashhost, mashuser, kojitags, sigulhost, siguluser):
print '\n== Start: Mash run ==\n'
for tag in kojitags: # Check for unsigned packages before mashing
if self.checksign(sigulhost, siguluser, tag):
print 'Cannot mash while packages are unsigned: '
self.checksign(sigulhost, siguluser, tag)
self.mash(mashhost, mashuser)
# Check if hosts are online and can establish connection, return lists of failed and succesful hosts
def get_status(self, host, username):
hostname = []
fhost = []
check = self.connect(host, username)
if check:
return (hostname, fhost)
# Connect to the hosts, return True or False
def connect(self, host, username):
srv = pysftp.Connection(host=host, username=username, log=True)
return True
except urllib2.URLError as err:pass
return False
# Start a signing run across a designated tag
def sign(self, host, username, tag, password):
print "Signing packages in tag: " + tag
print "Packages found: "
print self.checksign(host, username, tag)
tempfile1 = crypt.crypt(str(random.random()), "pidora" ) + '.log'
tempfile = tempfile1.replace("/", "")
tempdir = '~/.pidora/'
srv = pysftp.Connection(host=host, username=username, log=True)
errors = srv.execute('mkdir ' + tempdir + ' 2>/dev/null')
errors = srv.execute('touch ' + tempdir + tempfile + '2>/dev/null')
output = srv.execute('~/.sigul/ -v --password=' + password + ' --write-all --tag=' + tag + " pidora-18 2>" + tempdir + tempfile)
errors = srv.execute('cat ' + tempdir + tempfile)
# Scan through output and find errors! If errors are found, stop program and spit out error warnings
outputs = output + errors
errors = False
for output in outputs:
print output.strip()
if'^ERROR:.*$', output):
errors = True
if errors:
print "\n== Error signing stopping program =="
# Check koji for unsigned packages, returns True if unsigned rpms are found
def checksign(self, host, username, tag):
check = False
srv = pysftp.Connection(host=host, username=username, log=True)
output = srv.execute("~/.sigul/ --just-list --tag=" + tag + " pidora-18")
for rpm in output:
print rpm.strip()
if rpm.strip() != "":
check = "unsigned rpms found"
if check:
return True
# Run mash and search through the log file for failed mash errors
def mash(self, host, username):
srv = pysftp.Connection(host=host, username=username, log=True)
output = srv.execute('/usr/local/bin/mashrun-pidora-18')
self.checkmash(host, username)
def checkmash(self, host, username):
errors = False
errorline = []
srv = pysftp.Connection(host=host, username=username, log=True)
output = srv.execute('cat /mnt/koji/mash/pidora-mash-latest')
for line in output:
if'^mash failed .*$', line):
errors = True
if errors:
print "\n== mash failed on repo stopping program ==\n"
for line in errorline:
print line
def rsync(self, host, username):
print '\n== Start: Rsync ==\n'
srv = pysftp.Connection(host=host, username=username, log=True)
output = srv.execute('/home/pidorapr/bin/rsync-japan')
for line in output:
print line.strip()
if __name__ == '__main__':

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