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Project R0.1 20123- OOP344

743 bytes added, 09:01, 14 August 2023
Blog Posts
==Help Needed==
<!-- Thanks Omkar, that was all I needed to understand how past this test.
* Omkar Parmar
Re : Amir, after previous test, without pressing any key it will display like this
*When running on matrix, whenever I press Home, End, or Insert, the program exits rather than run the code I wrote. It works fine on Visual Studio however. I complied with -lncurses. - Ronny Wan <-- Check Notes section on this page and follow "Using Linux..." instruction even for Windows version of Putty - Hiroshi Takemoto
<===Try to compile it in a Linux OS, such as Fedora, using VM. It will be fine. - Linpei Fan ===> -->
==Blog Posts==
<!-- *Ok, I did something with the display function. It's not 1 line but it's different from the code that's online and it has less loops. I sincerely hope it's not what was shown in class today, though, lol. I could be just writing remembered code which would be funny. Sad. But funny. Blog: [ ashtramwasser1]
* Questions about terminating the process of editing by pressing '''ENTER''', '''TAB''', '''ESCAPE''', '''UP''', '''DOWN'''.... and what your program doing after pressing '''ESCAPE''' were not clear for me, so I decided to ask Fardad, here the answers.Blog: [ stanislavatseneca]
* Here's a post of my troubleshooting issues with compiling the code on OSX. It covers both the terminal c++ compiler and Xcode. [ mgauer]
** hi guys i would like to know ho you solved these two questions?
in the first one the test ask:
PrnTextBox(1, 5, 70, 8, "Test 4.2: console.edit() initial corrections, Offset: The offset is set to 10 that is invalid and it should be corrected to 5. "//////////
"HIT ENTER ONLY to test!");
in the second test the same question is asked:
PrnTextBox(1, 5, 70, 8, "Test 4.17: console.edit() initial corrections, Offset: The offset is set to 10 that is invalid and it should be corrected to 5. " //////////
"The function should terminate returning 0.");
but how am i going to return 0 and at the same time set the offset to 10. I do not understand those two questions. -->
=Learning Outcome=

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