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CDOT Meeting 2012-09-13

2,724 bytes added, 17:30, 13 September 2012
Created page with 'Category:CDOT Meetings = Update from Christine = * Rebecca Isowa will be working with CDOT on financial tracking * MPPs will be visiting Markham campus on Oct 10 – Rasberr…'
[[Category:CDOT Meetings]]

= Update from Christine =
* Rebecca Isowa will be working with CDOT on financial tracking
* MPPs will be visiting Markham campus on Oct 10 – Rasberry Pi project will be represented

= NexJ Connected Wellness - Jordan Anastasiade =
* Project is focused on interfacing medical devices to mobile phones (via bluetooth) to a server (via mobile IP) – Initial devices are glucometer and blood pressure monitor
* Not using PhoneGap (Q from DH)
* Pursuing I2I funding (DM)

= Mozilla / Popcorn Update - David Humphrey =
* Spent the week with Mozilla Foundation, which has grown significantly (from 1 person to ~60) and which advocates for the Open Web. Students were invited and participated.
* Foundation has interest in and focus on Popcorn, badges. Demonstrated Popcorn Maker – well received and good feedback.
* A lot of planning for the Popcorn/Popcorn Maker event coming up in London
* TEDglobal is featuring a talk by the Foundation CTO and wants a click-though way for people to access Popcorn Maker (this is about 3 weeks before the 1.0 release)
* October 19 is TEDglobal feature; November 7 is the official 1.0 release

= 3D Content Creation System / Cathy Leung =
* Working on final features
* Alpha release on October 1
* Good initial feedback from testers
* Will utilize Emily Koon's skills for Graphics (etc)

= OSTEP / Chris Tyler =
* TRAC system being set up for wiki/vcs/tickets/milestones/roadmap – projects can be added in seconds, access control is very granular. This will be ready for testing next week.
* An LDAP (user authentication) server is being set up for use with TRAC. This server can also be used as a login credential server for CDOT systems (Windows/Linux/Mac)
* We've outgrown our backup solutions, will be talking to ITS about a backup server on another campus
* Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix 17 is soon to be released, armv6hl (optimized) build project is starting with a target of an alpha release at FSOSS and a final release when Fedora 18 ships (Nov/Dec)
* Chris will be traveling in October:
** Paris
**# IRILL, Oct 11
**# Open World Forum, Oct 12-13
**# FUDCon EMEA, Oct 13-15
** Copenhagen
**# Linaro Connect, Oct 28-Nov 2
**# Ubuntu Developers Summit, Oct 29-Nov 2

= Summer Project Presentations =
* Late Thursday afternoon (Oct 20), Lower-K @ 4:00-5:15 pm
* Invitees include:
** President
** VP Academic
** VP Research
** Dean of FASET
** Faculty and students (invitation up on Monday)
* Purpose is to move understanding of CDOT from 'a name' to having an understanding of the types of applied research performed here
*Announcements/invite reminders will go out tomorrow (DM)

= Need @CDOT Twitterer =
* Suggest the 1-year intern RAs (Jon & Chris) (CT)

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