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Programming Stream C11

680 bytes added, 10:23, 3 May 2012
Created page with 'Agreed Detail Changes to IPC144/BTP100 - C11 Standard * trivial : use proper language to distinguish interface from implementation * new - add : variable length arrays : cons…'
Agreed Detail Changes to IPC144/BTP100 - C11 Standard

* trivial
: use proper language to distinguish interface from implementation

* new - add

: variable length arrays

: const

: pointer-array equivalence

* trivial - additions - add to align with standard

: // inline comments (C99)

: long long int data type (C99, C++11)

: type-generic math functions (C99)

: intermingling of declarations and executable code (C99)

: create and open mode for fopen() -“x” (C11)

: safe versions of strcpy(), strcat() (C11)

* remove

: gets() - use get_s() instead

* test data representation another stream

: binary – hex || hex – decimal integer || binary – decimal integer