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Notes on Program Comprehension

920 bytes added, 14:34, 6 March 2012
Created page with 'Source:Theories, tools and research methods in program comprehension: past, present and future Margaret-Anne Storey, Univeristy of Victoria, 2008 […'
Source:Theories, tools and research methods in program
comprehension: past, present and future
Margaret-Anne Storey, Univeristy of Victoria, 2008

*Agile developers: Agile development which incorporates techniques such as test driven
development and pair programming has an impact on how programs are comprehended
within an organization. To date there have been '''few studies '''to investigate how these practices
improve or possibly hinder how programmers comprehend programs

*As the programming workforce and technology changes, learning theories (Exton, 2002) will
become more relevant to end-users doing programming-like tasks. Theories are currently
being developed to describe the social and organizational aspects of program comprehension
(Gutwin, 2004). The impact of '''open source processes and agile methods''' have yet to be fully

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