The central repo with all the tests are located [https://github.com/rhung/mozilla-central/tree/mouselock-tests here]. For more information on how to make mochitests and how to send the pull request to the appropriate person, check out the [http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/Mochitest_FAQ Mochitest FAQ] List tests we need below:
# <s>"there is no limit to how far movement can go...not limited by screen boundaries" -- mouse lock should mean infinite movement in the X and Y axes...There will be no limit to movementX/Y values if the mouse is continuously moved in a single direction"</s> - '''hchun'''- file_limitlessScroll.html# <s>"The concept of the mouse cursor will have been removed, and it will not move off the window or be clamped by a screen edge"</s> - '''hchun'''- file_limitlessScroll.html
# "no mouse cursor is displayed" -- mouse cursor should be hidden while locked - '''dvillase'''
# <s>navigator.pointer (readonly) is a MouseLockable</s> - <strong>abhatnagar</strong>