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=Topics in Open Source Development=
==[ Subject Description]==
This course introduces students to the technological, social, and pragmatic aspects of developing open source software through direct involvement in the Mozilla projectlarge open source projects. Students will learn to use the tools, techniques, and strategies of open source developers. This is a project-based programming course. The Mozilla project has been chosen as an example open source project because of its maturity, breadth and depth of technology, and strong community.
==Course Outcomes==
* Describe the history and philosophy of an open source project
* Choose between the various open source licenses understanding the implications for users, developers, and the software community in general
* Use the communication modes particular to the open source world through participation in such things as mailing listsGitHub, IRCSlack, wikis, etc.
* Use the tools of open source development, for example: distributed revision control; documentation tools; automated build and test systems; debuggers; source code utilities; tracking systems; on-line resources, etc.
* Work with a pre-existing large source code base
* Write software that integrates and interacts with existing open source systems (e.g., Firefox). For example: add-ons; bug fixes; new features; etc.* Work collaboratively with fellow students and members of the Mozilla open source community.
==Major Project==
This is a project course, and the majority of each student’s mark will come from work done on a real development project. The primary goal of this project is to get students involved in the Mozilla open source development community and codebaseits codebases. Through this experience students will learn about the processes, tools, and practices involved in developing software as part of a large open source community. Students will also have the opportunity to contribute their own code to real-world software projects, thereby gaining important experience.
Many of the practices inherent in open source development will seem to go against the structures often set in place for similar course work. For example, students are typically forbidden to collaborate with peers, to copy from the web, etc. However, these rules must be re-evaluated in the context of proper and pragmatic open source development practices.
First, consider the typical rules around cheating and plagiarism. In this assignmentcourse, students are encouraged to work within the set of best practices natural to open source development. Open source developers do not write from scratch what already exists and is freely available for use. Students should be thinking in terms of code reuse. It is acceptable for students to use code from other open source projects, so long as the license is amenable to the use.
Second, consider the typical restrictions on peer-collaboration. In this project students are encouraged to work together, to help one another, to look at each other's code, etc. Open source collaboration is about leveraging the collective knowledge of a community to help solve the problems of the individual.
Third, consider the sharp dividing line between student projects in most programming courses. For the most part, students are evaluated on their ability to do a particular project or to solve a particular problem on their own. The outcome is measured against peer outcomes. However, in this course students are not in competition with their peers; rather, they are all working on one large project (, Mozilla) with many sub-projects within it. As a result, there is no clean line to divide one student’s work from another, or even student work from that of the open source community. This means that collaboration between students and even other members of the open source community is acceptable practice.
To summarize, students should:
* Give others encouragement and credit when they offer help
* Use existing open source code whenever possible
* Be open to helping others and to being helped  ===Details=== * Each student must pick a project from the list of proposed projects, or have another project idea approved by the instructor. Projects have been created in consultation with the Mozilla community.* Students are strongly encouraged to work individually, and only in rare circumstances will partnerships be allowed. * Create a project page based on the [[Sample Project|'Sample Project' template]]. If someone has already created a page for a project you want to work on, speak to that person to see if you can join him/her. If s/he says yes, add your name to the Project Leader(s) section; otherwise pick another project and become a Contributor instead (see below). * Become a Contributor to one or more other projects. This is something that will just happen as you interact on IRC or in class. As people need help, you can choose to get involved with things. You are encouraged to use the [[Contrib Opportunities]] page to list and find things you can do. For example: helping to debug something, doing research into a problem, writing some tricky code. Over time your list of contributions to other peoples’ projects should grow. Keep track of this in your personal page. * Keep your project page on the wiki updated. Add technical information to the Project Details section as you get a better understanding of the problem, and keep track of your project status in the Project News section. You should be updating this page at least once per week.* Update your blog at least once and hopefully twice a week. Remember that the more you write, the easier it will be to get help from other people: it is easier for people to understand your question with supporting documentation on the web.* Update your personal page on the wiki with permanent information, such as a list of your contributions to various projects.
==Intellectual Property==
Detailed grading information will be discussed later in the term. Below is a breakdown of how students will be graded, and [http://vocamusblog.humphd.netorg/davevocamus-680/?p=680 this blog post] gives more details about the rationale: * '''60%''' - Project Deliverables (e.g., code, Pull Requests, documentation), marked in terms of quality, quantity, process, etc.** '''10%''' - [[OSD & DPS909 Fall 2020 - Release 0.1|Release 0.1]] due Fri, Sept 25** '''20%''' - [[OSD & DPS909 Fall 2020 - Release 0.2|Release 0.2]] due Sat, Oct 31** '''15%''' - [[OSD & DPS909 Fall 2020 - Release 0.3|Release 0.3]] due Fri, Nov 20** '''15%''' - [[OSD & DPS909 Fall 2020 - Release 0.4|Release 0.4]] due Fri, Dec 11* '''40%''' - Labs: There will be approximately 10 labs, each worth 4%.
* '''60%''' - Project Deliverables (e.g., code, documents), marked in terms of quality, quantity, etc. Your project will be marked at four milestone releases, the number and values being:** '''15%''' - 0.1 Release (Due Sept 29)** '''15%''' - 0.2 Release (Due Oct 20)** '''15%''' - 0.3 Release (Due Nov 17)** '''15%''' - 0.4 Release (Due Dec 8)* '''20%''' - Project Wiki Page and Blog. You will be marked on your Students must satisfactorily complete all project deliverables and personal page's quality, depth of explanation, frequency of update, etc. * '''20%''' - Contributions labs to other projects, quizzes, lab assignments. You will be marked on pass the quantity and quality of your contributions to other groups, as well as in-class quizzes and lab assignments. Contribution opportunities will be provided by your professorcourse.
* [[DPS909 and & OSD600 Fall 2011 2020]] - Weekly Schedule and Course Notes|Weekly Schedule and Notes]]Links* [[Fall 2011 Open Source Students]]* [http Mozilla's Etherpad] and [ Seneca's Etherpad]* [ Github]* [[Git Cheatsheet and Gotchas]]* [ Open Source@Seneca PlanetSlack]* [ Planet Mozilla]* [ Mozilla Wiki]* [https://developer.mozilla- Our main communication platform is You can sign-US/ Mozilla Developer Network]* [http://zenit.senecac.onup with your Fall 2011 0email address.1 Release]* [httphttps://zenittelescope.senecac.oncdot.casystems/wiki/index.php/Fall_2011_0.2_Release Fall 2011 0.2 ReleaseTelescope Open Source Blog]- All student open source blogs are aggregated here in our custom blogging software
==Examples== Here are a list of good student artifacts from the previous course, which should provide examples for future students to follow: * '''Blog''' - [ Armen], [ Lukas]* '''Personal Wiki''' - [[User:Armenzg|Armen]], [[User:Backinblakk|Lukas]]* '''Project Wiki''' - [[Automated localization build tool]], [[Extending the Buildbot]], [[Buildbot and EC2]] ==Archives==
* [[OSD600 Fall 2007]]
* [[OSD600 Fall 2008]]
* [[OSD600 Fall 2010]]
* [[OSD600 Summer 2010]]
* [[OSD600 Fall 2011]]
* [[OSD600 Fall 2012]]
* [[OSD600 Fall 2013]]
* [[OSD600 Fall 2015]]
* [[OSD600 Winter 2017]]
* [[OSD600 Fall 2017]]
* [[OSD600 Winter 2018]]
* [[OSD600 Fall 2018]]
* [[OSD600 Winter 2019]]
* [[OSD600 Fall 2019]]

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