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Hints for OOP344 Assignment 1

2,406 bytes added, 16:02, 29 September 2011
Borland compiler problem
#-copy the content of str into allocated memory.
#- If ESCAPE is hit, copy the content of allocated memory back to str.
#-<bspan style="color:#FF0000"><redb> Make sure before the function ends, deallocates the allocated memory.</redb></spanOTHER EXIT KEYS:* You don't have to individually code every key that exits the editor; all of them apart from ESCAPE use the same code, so just let the cases "drop through" each other. INSERT KEY: #You wanna turn on and off Overwrite every time INSERT key is hit.#INSERT mode is default value. if you press INSERT once, Overwrite Mode will be turn ON and INSERT mode will be turn OFF.#If you press INSERT again, INSERT mode will be turn ON and Overwrite Mode will be turn OFF#I dont think there is anything else you should do with INSERT key beside Toggling INSERT MODE and OVERWRITE MODE.  Printable KEY:  // if( key is withing printable character's code){ // if (*instermode){ // do something with str[*strOffset+ *curPosition] // Push all the characters on the right hand of the cursor to the right to make room for new character. // Move the cursor after the new inserted character. // } // else{ // do something else with str(..... // Move the cursor after the new overwrite character // } //}* For INSERT mode, you'll need to increase the length of the string before you push the characters.  Diagram Diagram link:<br/b>I am not the owner of the diagram above. I just want to explain it. *The string will initially start at coordination(column,row).*Offset is an integer that show how many characters are hidden.*FieldLength is the length of the display box. It decide the maximum number of character you want to display.*CursorPos is the cursor position within the display box. For example, if your FieldLength is 10, your cursor position can be from 1-10.*Max str length is used when FieldLength is 0. It decide the length of your str so that it will fit on the screen(with no wrap).  =Matrix compiler problem= Make sure to #include string.h instead of string or you will have many errors if you have used strlen strcpy etc. =Borland compiler problem=#make sure you follow these instruction to install Borland properly.#make sure you use the console.cpp,key.h,console.h from /trunk/Console folder.#In order to compile under borland compiler you need to use the last release 1.3 of the console. =Contributor=Qtdang1 Lpasquale1

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