Initial layout and information for the page.
<h2>OSD600 Project Wiki - Developing for Popcorn.js</h2>
[https://webmademovies.lighthouseapp.com/dashboard Popcorn Lighthouse ticket tracker]
==0.1 Milestone Release==
Ticket Working On: [https://webmademovies.lighthouseapp.com/projects/63272/tickets/350-tumblr-popcorn-plugin #350: Tumblr Plugin]
Status: Incomplete. Still working on understanding all this new Javascript before I can write an implementation with some of the basic features.
==0.2 Milestone Release==
==0.3 Milestone Release==
==0.4 Milestone Release==
[https://webmademovies.lighthouseapp.com/dashboard Popcorn Lighthouse ticket tracker]
==0.1 Milestone Release==
Ticket Working On: [https://webmademovies.lighthouseapp.com/projects/63272/tickets/350-tumblr-popcorn-plugin #350: Tumblr Plugin]
Status: Incomplete. Still working on understanding all this new Javascript before I can write an implementation with some of the basic features.
==0.2 Milestone Release==
==0.3 Milestone Release==
==0.4 Milestone Release==