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Computer Lab Automation

1 byte added, 20:01, 23 August 2011
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:As the saying goes "'''necessity is the parent of invention'''". When you set up a Linux computer lab, you may be required to provide (or train users) to support for that a system. One advantage of providing (volunteering) support is that '''users will ask you questions which will encourage you to automate or fix problems, instead of you having to think ahead of what tasks to automate.''' There is simply no better experience (other than working in IT for a company)...
:From my Internet reading Linux usually gets a "bad-rap" from users of other operating systems. One of the main "sticking points" is that there are too many applications to use and patch together to create a song (for example patching via the Jack audio server). But a shell script can be used to automate this process to make it "seemless" for the "budding" musician.

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